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Against All Odds (Shifters) Page 10

  Dana was dressed as a devil. Her friend wore a short skirt and tight shirt.

  “Are you cold?” she asked, when they passed.

  “No, I run hot remember.” Dana didn’t have chance to stay long. She was busy feeding candy to the trick-or-treaters. Ben stayed by Heather’s side. He kept leaning down, whispering in her ear and pointing at costumes.

  She was struggling to keep her mind focussed on the party. His closeness was turning her on, and she couldn’t think when his breath fanned her neck.

  “I can’t think,” she said, sinking back against him.

  “It’s how I want you to be,” he said.

  Felix walked up, and Heather bowled over when she saw he was dressed in a crocodile outfit. His arms were folded, and he looked like he’d lost a bet.

  “What the hell are you supposed to be?” Ben asked.

  “I lost a bet with Dana. This is my punishment, and later I need to dress up as an eighteenth century woman with tights.”

  She glanced over her shoulder at Ben. He was doing everything he could to not laugh.

  “Go on, laugh and mock.”

  “What was the bet about?” Heather asked.

  “If you and Ben would seal the deal. Dana refused at first and then decided it would be easy for her to humiliate me,” Felix said.

  Ben growled, and Heather slapped Felix up the side of the head. “You’re a pig, and I’m sticking around to see you completely annihilated.” Felix had always been the playful sort.

  “Take pity on me, man.” Felix stared at Ben. Her man was not moving an inch.

  “You shouldn’t have made a bet based on me and my woman. When I see Dana I’m making sure you’re forced to wear makeup.”

  Felix stormed away, grumbling.

  Turning in his arms, Heather burst out laughing. “It serves him right. He should not be making bets at our expense.”

  “If I ever hear him doing it again I’m going to lose it. No one makes a bet on my woman.” Ben kissed her lips.

  She moaned, trying to deepen the kiss. “I hate it when you do that,” she said.


  “When you stop, I hate it. I love your lips on me.”

  “You didn’t want me last night,” he said.

  Stroking up his chest, Heather banded her arms around his neck. “I didn’t want to spoil last night with anything else. It’s not every day a woman gets told she’s loved.”

  His hands settled on her ass, making her gasp. He brought her close, rubbing his cock against her core.

  “Will you dance with me?” he asked.

  “I’d love to.”


  Ben moved with her onto the dance floor. His cock refused to go down, and with her close by he seemed to be getting harder. He needed her so damn much. Her pussy was soaked through. If he was to touch her now, she’d scald him with her heat.

  Pulling her into his arms Ben looked down at her. She rested her head against his arm. The guests at the Ashton household were human and shifters. The shifters were on their best behaviour tonight. He really did enjoy Halloween. It was one of the few seasons he did enjoy. The laughter surrounded him, but he wasn’t listening to any of them.

  With Heather in his arms, he was happy. John and Kathleen would want a word with them before they left. He’d spoken to the couple over the phone while waiting for Heather to dress. They were not happy with him keeping the secret from Heather. He’d tell her in his own time.

  For once in his life, everything was going perfect. Heather didn’t hate him, and he couldn’t find an excuse to change that.

  “You told me something last night, Ben,” she said.

  He tensed waiting for her to burst his bubble. She had every right to refuse his feelings.

  “Yeah, I did. I thought you’d need longer to think about it.”

  She looked up at him. Her eyes were shining bright.

  “After Mark crushed my heart I was determined to never let a man inside. What happened between us was hard, Ben. I didn’t think I’d ever be able to let you in. I love you. I’m in love with you, and I would have told you last night. But you were determined to be an ass,” Heather said.

  He paused, staring down at her.

  “What?” He couldn’t believe her words. It wasn’t possible for her to love him.

  “I love you. I want to spend the rest of my life with you.”

  Laughing, Ben wrapped his arms around her, holding her close.

  Joy consumed him.

  “Ben, I love you, but you’re crushing me.” He released her, dropping his lips to hers and claiming her with a passion he’d kept at bay.

  She gasped, moaned, and tightened her hands in his hair, tugging on the strands at the base of his neck. “This could all change though,” she said, stopping the happiness.

  “Why?” he asked.

  “You’ve promised me some heat in the bedroom. You still have to deliver.”

  “You’re testing me based on sex?” Ben asked, laughing.

  “Of course. The last thing I want is to get a dud in the bedroom again.”

  Silencing her with his lips, Ben chuckled. “Baby, you’re all mine.”

  “You’re that confident.”

  “If you think my tongue and hands can blow your mind, wait until I get my cock into the game.”

  She shivered, and her pussy clenched.

  “You’re too much.”

  Gripping her ass he rubbed her against his hardened cock.

  “We’ve got to stay here a little longer. You can stay in my arms.”

  “I want to leave.”

  “Soon, baby, I promise you.”

  Her head rested against his chest. Ben stared out across the pumpkin-lit backyard. Kids were bobbing for apples or eating candy that had been left out in the little cauldrons.

  “John and Kathleen know how to throw a party,” he said.

  “They do. They’ve always made me feel welcome in their world. They’re wonderful people.” Her hand rested on his chest. “I wanted to hate you,” she said.

  “I know. I wanted you to hate me.”

  She chuckled. “I suck.”

  “I’m actually happy you don’t hate me.”

  They danced for several hours. When couples approached, Ben kept her in front of him to stop them seeing his aching arousal. With Heather in his arms he couldn’t stop the hardening of his length.

  Heather helped him even if she did rub against him every now and then. She was insatiable, and her arousal was getting worse.

  “I’m ready to leave,” he said, whispering the words to her.

  “I am, too.”

  On the way to the door they found John and Kathleen kissing and rubbing against each other. Heather hid her face against his chest, chuckling.

  John turned, covering Kathleen’s front. “Yes?”

  Ben rolled his eyes. He hoped he and Heather were like the couple in front of them. “You wanted to see us before we left.”

  “Her parents,” Kathleen said, whispering against John’s ear.

  “Yes, your parents stopped by to ask how you were. We told them you were seeing someone. They want to meet him,” John said.

  Ben tensed.

  “My parents actually stopped by asking for me?” Heather sounded amazed.

  “Yes, they do love you. You’re their baby.”

  His woman shook her head. “When do they want me to see them?”

  Kathleen spoke up this time. “We suggested Sunday. They want to meet Ben.”

  They said their goodbyes, and Ben helped Heather into her side of the car. When he climbed into the front she started talking.

  “I don’t know what has gotten into them. My parents have never gone to their house. This is so bizarre. Do you want to meet my parents? They’re strange people.”

  “You hang around with shifters, and you think your human parents are strange?” Ben asked.

  “Yeah, I’ve grew up with the shifters, and they’re so comfortabl
e with each other. They don’t mind hugging and kissing whereas my parents are always hesitant and reserved.”

  He understood what she meant. Even his parents, considering they killed themselves, had been extremely cuddly.

  The drive back to his house was filled with Heather complaining about her parents. He figured she was talking about them in order to keep her mind off what was about to happen. There was no way he was waiting until after he’d seen her parents to claim her. He would have to tell her the truth about the scars once she’d seen her parents. When they didn’t respond to the scars, she was no doubt going to have plenty of questions.

  He wanted to have claimed her, giving himself another point of making her his mate.

  When he parked up outside his home, Heather was climbing out without waiting for him to open the door.

  “They’re weird, Ben. I’m telling you, they make shifters seem almost normal,” she said, ranting and raving about her parents.

  Laughing, he searched for his keys and opened the front door.

  He never thought he’d be considered normal considering he could turn into a tiger at will.

  “Tell me I don’t have to go.”

  Closing the door, he wrapped his arms around her waist, bringing her close to him. “Shut up. We’re not talking about your parents. I’ve got tonight to prove to you that I’m a stud in the bedroom.”

  She stopped talking. Her breaths deepened making her chest rise and fall.

  “I see I’ve got your attention now.”

  “Are you seriously going to, you know, do it?”

  “How old are you?” he asked, teasing her.

  “Old enough to know bad sex.”

  Shaking his head, he took hold of her hand and started up the stairs. His cock thickened as the arousal scent surrounded him. He was going to make sure she remembered tonight for all the good reasons.

  Chapter Fourteen

  Following Ben upstairs, Heather felt an answering heat fill her pussy. She couldn’t believe she was about to have sex. He led the way past their bedrooms and went straight for the master bedroom with the romantic bed.

  She watched as he closed the door behind him, blocking the world out. He was out of her arms for a few seconds. His hands went to her face, sinking into the length of her hair.

  “I’m going to blow your world,” he said.

  Heather had no doubt about his prowess in the bedroom. His voice had her melting in a pool at his feet. Licking her lips, she gasped as his fists tightened in her hair. Ben tugged on the length of hair, making her expose her neck. His kiss went from her lips, down to lick her throat.

  A gasp escaped as he bit and sucked on her flesh. She’d have a mark on her neck in the morning. Her nipples tightened. Ben didn’t stop his assault to her senses. His hands pushed the straps of her dress down until it dropped under her breasts. She wasn’t wearing a bra. The tips were rock hard from arousal and the slight chill in the air.

  “You’re so fucking sexy. Your tits are just the right size.”

  Crying out, Heather gripped his shoulders as he sucked her nipples into his mouth. He loved one breast before moving onto the next. Ben didn’t rush his movements.

  He let go of her hair, and she watched him lick the red tips. When he sank to his knees before her, she squeezed her thighs together. He turned her on so much. There was no control in what he made her feel.

  “I can smell you, baby.” Ben pressed his head at the apex of her thighs, inhaling her scent.


  “You smell so fucking good.”

  He lifted her up in his arms as if she weighed nothing. The lace curtains were pushed aside, and she was tumbling to the bed.

  “I’m too heavy, Ben. You can’t pick me up like that.”

  “I don’t care. You’re perfect.”

  She swallowed past the lump in her throat when he removed his shirt. His muscles rippled, stopping all thought. He was so large that he made her feel small. Around Ben she no longer felt the size eighteen curves she’d always possessed.

  His hands went to his belt. Her mouth watered. Ben rarely wore underwear, and today was no exception. His thick, hard cock, sprang free. The tip glistened in the low lighting.

  Within minutes he was crawling up the bed. The dress she’d been wearing was around her waist.

  He grabbed the fabric and tore it off her body. There was no finesse, and instead of scaring her, Heather felt desired. His actions spoke far louder than any of his words could. Her panties joined the torn dress on the floor.

  His eyes were far darker than she recalled.

  “I’ll not hurt you,” he said.

  She believed him. There was no need for her to speak.

  Ben was the one in control. He gripped her ankle, tugging her to where he knelt on the bed. Her hips were in his hands, and he was lifting her against his mouth.

  The angle was uncomfortable, but then his lips were on her pussy and Heather lost all thought. His tongue pierced her cunt and swirled around her clit. She didn’t know where he ended and she began. The only sound she heard was the slurping of his tongue on her pussy.

  “So wet,” he said, moaning.

  She was close to orgasm, and before she could get over the edge, he released her. Dropping to the bed, Ben gripped his hard erection in his hand. She watched him run the tip against her without saying a word. In the next instant, she cried out as he slammed inside her. He didn’t get to the hilt in the first thrust. His hands went to her waist, and with three more pushes, Ben seated himself inside her.

  Heather held onto his hands, shocked by how deep and wide he was. His cock was like a hot brand inside her, making her hyper aware of where he was.

  Licking her lips, she gazed up into his eyes.

  “This first time I’m not going to last,” he said. “You’ll come, but next time I’ll take my time.”

  She nodded. He thought this was going bad for her? She’d never felt so full. His cock rubbed along the walls inside her pussy, and she didn’t know they could be so sensitive.

  He pulled out of her only to slam back inside before he’d left. Each thrust sent her up the bed until her hands were flat on the head board, stopping her head from banging against it.

  Ben rode her body hard. He leaned down, thrusting his tongue into her mouth, to match what was happening between her legs.

  His thrusts were relentless. The pleasure tore through her body. She’d never been taken in such a carnal way before. His rough handling was making her feel desired.

  “I want you so fucking much. Such a tight cunt,” he said, nibbling on the side of her neck. “I’ve got to claim you. Please say yes, Heather.”

  “Yes, claim me. Make me yours.”

  She cried out as his teeth sank into her breast. Heat flooded her body as he marked her. She didn’t know what he was doing. The intense pleasure from his teeth drove her over the edge.

  Thrusting up to meet him, Heather fucked him as hard as he fucked her. There was no need to slow down. She needed to come.

  Letting go of the board, she quickly wrapped her arms around his back holding on. He turned their positions until she was sat in his lap, his cock deep inside her.

  Ben bounced her on his cock. “Fuck, I’m close.”

  She’d already come, and she ordered him to find release.

  His hand tightened in her hair, pulling her towards him for a kiss. She opened her mouth accepting his passion. Their love making wasn’t neat and tidy. It was all-powerful and consuming, and Heather wouldn’t have it any other way.

  Ben came with a grunt. His cock pulsed deep inside her pussy. She felt his hot seed flood her channel. Heather didn’t care. She clawed at his back, holding onto him.

  When he was done Ben’s grip loosened in her hair.

  “Do I meet your seal of approval?” he asked, kissing her lips.

  “If you ever make love to me with any less passion I will cut your dick off.” Their bodies were covered with perspiration.
r />   He chuckled.

  She stared into his eyes. They were going back to brown. “I really do love you.”

  “I love you, too.”


  Ben brushed her hair off her shoulder, kissing her neck.

  “What was with the bite?” she asked. He couldn’t bring himself to leave her sweet heat.

  “To claim you as my mate I needed to bite you. My scent clings to your skin, but the mating with my dick inside you and my tiger teeth in your body, confirms it. No other shifter male will come near you.” He stared into her eyes, waiting to see the change of emotion in her gaze.

  “I thought you’d already claimed me?” She was stroking one of his tattoos.

  “I had. This just strengthens my claim over you. Also, you wanted this mark on you.” He fingered her breast where his mark lay. “Are you mad at me?”

  She shook her head. “How can I be mad at something like this? I love you, Ben. The past is in the past.”

  His cock thickened once again.

  Heather groaned. “Is this a shifter thing?” she asked.

  “Is what a shifter thing?”

  “You’re ready to go again.”

  “Yeah, we have a high libido. You better get used to it. I’m going to want you all the time.”

  “I don’t see a problem with that.” She lowered to him, giving her lips. Opening his mouth, he plundered his tongue into her mouth.

  Suddenly she jerked and pulled away. “You didn’t wear a condom, and I’m not on birth control.”

  “You’re not at the right time.”

  “Can you scent that?” she asked.

  “Yeah, I’ll know when you’ll conceive.” He ran a finger down to her stomach. “If you don’t want to risk it, I’ll wear a condom during your time.”

  Her smile brightened. “I’ve got my own personal clock without counting the days.”

  “Yeah. I’ll be more sensitive during your time of the month.” She’d be starting her cycle next week. He wasn’t about to tell her that yet.

  She slammed her lips down on his. “Fuck me. I don’t want us to leave this bed until we have to.”

  Pressing deep inside her, Ben groaned not wanting it to end.

  He grew harder with each kiss. She rubbed her breasts against his chest until he was rock hard inside her.