The Biker's Nanny (The Nannies Book 3) Page 2
Don’t be crazy. He’s a damn biker.
Totally out of your league.
She could dream though.
Hawk would be featuring in a couple of her dreams.
Chapter Two
“Do you really think it’s the right thing to do to have your nanny come here?” Casey asked.
The club whore sat down beside him. Bethany sat on his knee, holding his hands, and wasn’t screaming about anything.
“I don’t want anyone at my place. Not unless I know for sure that I can trust them. It’s too dangerous, and I wouldn’t put her in harm’s way.”
“This isn’t about being in harm’s way. Some women are put off by the lifestyle,” Casey said. “They’ll not work for you.”
“I checked the company out. They’re legit. Their nannies have never had a criminal offense against them, and they don’t employ pervs. I’d say that’s pretty damn good,” Bear said, taking a seat.
Several of the guys were hanging around. They were probably waiting for the fresh meat to enter the club. Whoever the woman was, she’d better have a strong stomach as the boys wanted some new pussy hanging around.
What Hawk hoped for when this nanny came around was someone who waved a magic wand over his daughter and was immune to the biker life. The last thing he wanted was a woman that preferred to spend time riding dick rather than taking care of his girl.
He thought about the cute little blonde he saw this morning. He’d noticed her rounding the aisle and even notice his screaming kid. At first, he’d thought she was going to tell him to take care of his girl better. Instead, she’d given him a sweet as fuck smile that made him think about showing her all the dirty things he could do with her mouth, and then offered to help. What guy would turn her down?
She wasn’t part of this lifestyle, not even close. She’d worn a summery dress with flowers on it and a cardigan over her shoulders. Her blonde hair had been pulled up on top of her head, and she was completely void of makeup. She’d looked like a fifties-style mother who cooked pancakes or waffles for breakfast. He wasn’t into that.
That was a lie.
He’d been totally into that, but seeing as he had a daughter and a club to deal with, fucking anything but a club whore wouldn’t work. He wasn’t after any commitments. Just easy sex where he didn’t even have to think about anything.
All it needed to be was mechanical.
Bethany gurgled, and he kissed the top of her head, not caring one bit what his club thought of him for showing affection to his girl.
“Boss, any idea what this woman looks like that’s coming to an interview?” Red asked.
“Nope. Not a chance. She’ll have an ID card. Clark, something Clark. I didn’t quite catch the first name,” he said.
“Look at that ass. Damn, I’d love to spread those juicy cheeks and show her just how good it would be to be fucked by me,” Brick said.
Several of his men looked out of the window, but the way he was sitting he couldn’t even catch a glimpse of the woman they were all staring at.
“Those tits, man, she could take a cock.”
“Don’t ever fall for a guy that speaks like that,” Hawk said, whispering against his daughter’s ear. “Use all of them to find out what you should or shouldn’t be looking for in a man.”
“Hawk, man, you may want to find a new nanny. This one has ‘fuck me’ all over her.”
“Behave. Casey, go and check her ID and make sure she’s the right woman,” Hawk said. “All of you, sit down and pretend to be human men and not fucking vultures.”
“Wait until you see her,” Red said. “You’re going to want to fuck her.”
Rolling his eyes, he saw a couple of the whores were looking at the door like they wanted to murder whoever came through.
He moved Bethany onto the other knee, and she started whimpering and he immediately placed her on the other. She tried to wriggle in his grasp. There was a carpeted area in his office that he put down for her but not in the main clubroom. Anything could be on the floor, and seeing as sleeping was a pastime at the moment, he didn’t intend to encourage his daughter to crawl through God knows what that decorated the floor. He paid a good company, but he knew for a fact there was only so much filth they could get up.
Forensics would have a field day with the floor.
“Hawk, your guest is here.” Casey walked over to him, taking a seat. He looked behind her and the woman his men had been panting and drooling over was none other than the cute blonde at the grocery store.
“You two know each other?” Casey asked.
“Hardly,” Jasmine said. “I … I helped him grocery shop. This little one wouldn’t let him concentrate for a second.”
“You’re from the nanny agency.”
“Yes.” She showed him her ID and sure enough, Jasmine Clark. “I’ve also got several references for you to look at.” She handed him an envelope. “They’re all in there if you’d like to check them out.”
“Why don’t you take a seat?” he said, taking the envelope from her.
“I had no idea this was where I was going to be coming, otherwise I’d have done my interview at the grocery store.”
“Your agency only told me your name was Ms. Clark.”
“It’s Miss Clark. I’m no longer married, and Clark’s my maiden name. I dropped his after the divorce.” She ran her hands down her dress.
It was different from the one she wore at the store but no less feminine. This one enhanced her large tits and flared hips.
He was paying too much attention to her body and not to her references.
“Have you been a nanny for long?” Casey asked.
“Over five years now. I was a nanny in my early twenties for a few years, but once I married, I stopped and focused on him. After our divorce I went back to nannying, only there’ve been a few positions that don’t require a live-in, so I’ve gone to their house every day and taken care of their babies, then come home at the end of the day.”
“This position will be live-in,” Hawk said. “My hours are … random. I won’t be able to give you a schedule.”
“That’s fine. I can make arrangements to rent out my apartment. I offer a month’s notice to any tenant when I need to move back in. If you consider me could we include a month’s notice for termination of my employment?”
“There will be conditions that would bring that termination forward.”
“Such as?” she asked.
“If I find out you’re hurting my daughter.” Not only would he kill her but it would also bring about immediate termination.
The look of absolute disgust took him away.
“I would never hurt a child. Never. I have scolded a child for doing wrong, but that is at the parent’s permission. I would never dream of ever hurting a child at all.”
“Fine. Fine. Just so we’re on the same page.”
“We are. I swear. If you consider me, I’ll take good care of your little girl.”
He tried to get comfortable with Bethany in his arms and read the references, but it wasn’t working. “Are you good to take her while I read through these?”
“Certainly.” Jasmine took Bethany, turning her so that the little girl’s back was to her chest. Her arm was across her stomach and Bethany gave a little giggle, content to sit on her lap.
He watched them for a few minutes.
Jasmine looked so calm with his daughter. She held her hand out and Bethany grasped her fingers, squeezing them and tugging at them as if they were sausages or something.
Looking away, he checked out her references and saw a couple of the names he recognized from around town. Wealthy families with lots of kids. They had glowing reports, and he read a brief description. She’d been taking care of children from babies through to eighteen where not only did she help them with their extracurricular activities, she helped with study class and college applications.
needed someone like her to look after his little girl.
She was too busy concentrating on his daughter, not giving his club the time of day. The boys were watching her. They were like a pack of hungry wolves, ready to devour their prey. He had a feeling there was way more to Jasmine than met the eye.
“How about we take this into my office?” he asked.
“Sure. Bethany’s coming too?”
She looked good with a kid in her arms.
Why was he thinking about her and kids like that? He had to get his head on straight.
He took the lead, showing her through to his office. Glancing behind her, he saw several of the guys holding their dicks. He couldn’t believe some of them were supposed to be full-grown men and were acting like immature children.
Closing the door, he took a seat behind his desk as she sat on the opposite side. If he took her as his nanny, she’d be at his home, around him all the time, and he wouldn’t be able to touch her.
His luck wasn’t with him today.
Jasmine wanted the job.
She didn’t want the job.
When she’d parked up outside of the Satan’s Rulers MC clubhouse she figured it was a big old coincidence.
She should have known better.
Luck was never on her side, and looking at the man now, there was no way she’d be able to actually live her fantasy. She’d only met him a few hours ago, but she’d found herself daydreaming about him anyway.
“You’re good with kids. Good with her.”
“I hope you believe me when I say I didn’t have a clue that you were you and that I’d be meeting you this afternoon.”
He held his hand up. “No problem. I didn’t know it was you. I didn’t catch your first name that the woman told me over the phone.”
“Yeah, it was just one of those things. Meeting at the grocery store. You helped me out a lot today already. I would understand if you don’t want to proceed with this interview.”
“Why wouldn’t I want to proceed?” she asked.
“The club.” He tapped his patch.
“Your club has nothing to do with taking care of a little girl.”
“Being at my place you’re going to see a lot of club brothers there. We do business there and here at the club.”
“Will it be dangerous?”
“I try not to let my professional life touch my private life.”
That wasn’t exactly an answer, but she got the general gist. He couldn’t guarantee it wouldn’t hit at his home, but he did everything to make sure it didn’t. She’d heard plenty around town about the Satan’s Rulers MC. They liked to party hard. Several of the places had been torn up pretty bad because of their hard partying. Fights breaking out, brawls, arguments, and then just plain vandalism.
Spending most of her time around kids, she’d not seen any of it in person.
Bethany snuggled in and, glancing down at the young child, Jasmine saw she was going to sleep.
“You really don’t have any children of your own?”
“No, I don’t. Erm, I would still like to be considered for the position.”
“You’re the only one that has agreed to a meeting.”
“I am?”
“Yes, I’ve had three people lined up before you, and all three of them cancelled even before they got through the door.”
“Wow, I’m sure it had nothing to do with your club.”
“It has everything to do with my club, but I’m not offended. I know this place isn’t for everyone, and that’s their loss. I’m not going to change for her. She’ll live with being a biker’s daughter. Simple as.”
“So, what are the arrangements you’re hoping for?” she asked.
“A live-in position. That part is not negotiable. If you’re requiring any vacations or days off, I will need to be notified in advance. I will also need to know of any boyfriends or friends you want hanging around.”
“No boyfriends?”
“None,” she said.
“Do you find that hard to believe?”
He leaned back and smiled. “I do.”
“There’s no one, Mr. Dark.”
“Call me Hawk.”
“Hawk, is there anything else?”
“We have family get-togethers. Other clubs come and join in the fun. I’m going to need you here for those to keep an eye on Bethany. You’re not allowed to date any of the club brothers while you’re in my employment, or even to date. If you decide to date someone outside of the club, I want to vet him first.”
“Wow,” she said. “That’s a very strange arrangement.”
“My kid, my rules.”
“Okay. I can handle that.” It wasn’t like she was dating anyone right now. She tried to think back to the last date, and it had to be well over a year now since that disaster. She’d been content to be on her own.
“Yeah, I want you to start immediately. Will that be a problem?”
Staring down at the little girl, she couldn’t help but smile. Who could resist such a charming child? “I’ve got no problem with that.”
“Awesome. How do we do this?”
“If you call the agency they will handle all the details and contract and stuff. I’m going to at least pack a few things. Would that be okay?”
She stood up and her heart melted as Bethany snuggled in against her.
“Will I be meeting her mother?”
“Her mother’s dead.”
“Oh, I’m so sorry.”
“Don’t be. I’m not. The woman was a waste of space. We’ll come with you. I came in my car so we can get your stuff and then I’ll take you to my place.”
“You don’t need to do that. I can pack something and drive to your place if you give me the directions.”
“Not happening. Another condition is you’re going to have to do as I tell you.”
“I’m not a child.”
“My house. My baby. My rules.”
She stared at him. She hated to admit it, but she was a little turned on by the fact that he had his rules and was taking charge.
“Fine. I just didn’t want to put you out of your way.”
“You won’t.” He grabbed the baby bag.
A biker with a baby bag was the hottest thing she’d seen all year. He wore his leather cut, but there was no denying his thick muscles.
She normally didn’t go for a guy with a beard, but his made him look ruggedly handsome. Dangerous. Deadly.
Get a grip.
Following him out of his office, she saw several of his members waiting. Some of the women were pretty much naked, walking around in their underwear. She was sure she saw a guy being serviced by one of the women in the back of the club.
Note to self. Buy sanitizer for whenever she visited the club, not that she’d be visiting it often.
This wasn’t a social call.
She put Bethany into the car seat and climbed into the back.
Hawk didn’t question her as she settled in, buckling her seatbelt. She was a little nervous at how she reacted around him.
He was the first man in a long time that she couldn’t seem to … ignore. Pushing some hair off her face, she glanced out of the window, trying her hardest not to look back at him, even though she really wanted to.
Every now and then, she looked toward him, wondering what he was thinking.
“We’ll have to take those groceries with us,” he said. “Some of them would spoil.”
“Yes, they will.”
She’d never been good at conversation.
It was one of the reasons she loved spending time with kids. They were happy to talk about anything. The movies they watched. The food they ate. The bubbles they made in the garden, or even the fact they went to the potty.
She never talked about her bathroom breaks with
There were limits to what she would share.
“Do you have any other children?” she asked.
“None. Bethany is all I have. Have you always taken care of kids?”
“Yes. When I was married I worked in a nursery, but for the most part I’ve been a nanny. I love it. I love looking after children.”
Fortunately, the journey wasn’t that long, and as he parked up, she opened her door.
“I’ll be down in a minute.”
She rushed up the flight of stairs to her own apartment. Her hands shook a little as she opened up her door.
This was a new chapter in her life.
She was going to be a nanny for a biker.
It was a little surreal.
A lot surreal, actually.
Especially as she was having some dirty thoughts about said biker.
Throwing some clothes into a suitcase, she grabbed the perishables into a couple of bags and closed the door behind her. She’d come back and get the other stuff she’d need. The furniture came with her apartment, and as she’d be renting it out, she wouldn’t need to worry about it.
Making her way down to the car, she saw Hawk standing outside the car, smoking a cigarette.
“That was fast.”
“I’ll have to come back for the rest. I have what I need.”
“I’ll get one of the boys to help with that,” he said. “You don’t have to worry about a thing.”
Why did she have a feeling that her life was about to change forever?
Chapter Three
One month later
Hawk spent way too much time at home already. It was a Friday night, and rather than be at the club fucking one of the number of club whores that wanted him, he was parked in his driveway.
He already spotted Jasmine’s car, and in the backseat was his daughter’s chair. The first week she moved in, she asked him to help fix that thing in her car. It was a massive one, but it meant a quick glance in her rearview mirror and she’d be able to see Bethany. A couple of the boys had seen her in town, and even though she didn’t acknowledge them, they all spoke very highly of her.
She took care of his daughter as if she was his own, her kindness showing through in every passing second.