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Beast's Demands Page 2

  She glared at me.

  So sexy. So defiant. I loved it.

  The last thing I wanted was a woman who was scared of me, practically shaking in the corner like a terrified little puppy. I needed the fire. The passion. Ashley was seething with it, and I relished it.

  Give it to me.

  She opened her lips, and I slid a piece of papaya into her mouth. The fruit was succulent, juicy. I only had the best. Her eyes closed and a little moan escaped. Another part of her I adored was her love of food. I’d watched her at supermarkets, farmer’s markets, the way she appreciated good things.

  We were more equally matched than she could realize.

  After she’d eaten several pieces of fruit, I instructed one of my men to order her breakfast with my cook.

  Once I snapped my fingers, they were gone, leaving me alone with her.

  She wiped at her brow.

  “Remove your clothes.”

  Her hands went to her neck.


  “You’re hot, tired, and hungry. We’re not going to a cold climate for some considerable time. Remove your clothes.”

  She shook her head.

  I pulled a blade from the back of my pants and flicked it open, the tip glinting in the sunlight. “Either you take them off, or I do.”

  She stood up, and her hands shook as she wriggled out of her pants. The items the restaurant had her wearing were pitiful. They did nothing for the curves she possessed. Full hips, a curved stomach, and juicy thighs that were meant to circle a man’s waist. Her skin was pale from the lack of sun, and in a moment, she stood before me in her gray underwear, her hands trying to cover herself.

  Her cheeks were a nice shade of red, and she kept chancing looks at the men who had turned their backs.

  I noticed one of the women who stood waiting to serve us giving her the stink eye. I snapped my fingers and signaled it was time for her to leave. If she could not show respect to my woman, then she didn’t have a right to be on my yacht. There were plenty of other jobs waiting for her, far less pleasurable.


  Ashley did as she was told, and I couldn’t help but feel a hum of pleasure rush through me at knowing she could take instructions.

  It was good.

  All I want to do was touch her, to feel her body next to mine, but instead, I sat back and watched her.

  She was trying to hide her body.

  “Sit back.”

  “Don’t tell me what to do.”

  “You think there won’t be a reward for your good behavior?”

  “I’m not a child. Don’t treat me like one.”

  “Believe me, I don’t see you as a child.”

  Seconds passed, and the heat in her cheeks built up. I loved that she was nervous about being naked in front of me.


  I liked her virginal response.

  She wiped at her brow.

  Finally, the guard brought out a tray of food. Without waiting for my instruction, he set it up and placed it in front of Ashley without looking her way.

  “Thank you,” Ashley said as the man left.

  No response.

  Her shoulders drooped slightly.

  “No one here will help you. No one will come to your aid. They work for me. I pay them.”

  “So they’re used to you taking women without their consent.”

  I merely smiled at her. She had no idea.

  She lifted up her fork and began to play with the food on her plate, wrinkling her nose.

  “The food is not to your liking.”

  “I can’t eat runny eggs.” She picked up a piece of toast and nibbled on it.

  I got up, tried the eggs, and found they were exactly to my liking. “They’re good.”

  “I like overcooked scrambled eggs. It’s fine. I enjoy toast.” She took the second slice, leaning back and eating it.

  This shouldn’t bother me. She was eating, which was a good sign, but I didn’t like the fact she didn’t like the food I provided for her. It pissed me off.

  Still, I sat back down and looked at her.

  She finished off the second slice and went back to trying to cover up her body. “What if I don’t agree?”

  “There’s no room for negotiation.”

  “You can’t kill anyone important to me. My mom’s dead. The Monsters took care of that.”

  I tutted. “Oh, Ashley. You think your mother is the only person in the world you care about?”

  “Emily is protected by the Monsters.”

  “True, but, I’ve been an ally to them for many years. I know their strengths and I know their weaknesses. Emily is theirs, and you see, weak people make mistakes. She’s not protected.”

  I saw tears fill her eyes, and she turned away, trying to avoid looking at me.

  “Emily doesn’t deserve this. Leave her out of it.”

  “Then agree, Ashley.”

  She laughed. “You want me to agree. This is ridiculous. You kidnap me, tell me what you want, and you think I’m going to comply. This is my body. Mine. Not yours. Not her goddamn father’s. Mine. I get to do whatever the hell I damn well chose with it.” She got up and without even covering herself, she stormed away.

  I didn’t follow her.

  There was only one place she was going to go.

  My men tensed up, but I held up my hand. They were not to touch my woman.

  I got to my feet and walked to the edge of my yacht, staring down into the water. I wasn’t a huge fan of the ocean. It provided a means to an end. I was a lover of endless sunlight, and to always be one step ahead of my enemies.

  The Monsters would interfere at Emily’s insistence. I wanted time alone with Ashley. Making a deal to keep Emily safe so I could have Ashley was easy. My power reached far and wide. I was done waiting for what I wanted. The fact I’d taken seven years was a testament to the kind of patience I possessed. From the very beginning of dealing with Caleb, River, Gael, and Vadik, I intended to lie. I wasn’t going to stay close so they could keep an eye on Ashley with me.

  After counting to ten, I gained control, spun on my heel, and went back in search of her. I found her in the cabin, seated on the bed, arms wrapped around her legs. She rocked back and forth, her fear of the ocean plain to see.

  “I want to go home.”


  She glared at me. “You can’t keep me here.”

  “I’d be prepared to deal in that wager.”

  Ashley let go of her legs and sat up. “This is wrong and mean. You’re … this is … you won’t get away with this.”

  “No one will ever know you’re gone. Like you said, you’ve got no other family, and if the Monsters know what is good for them, and I’m guessing they do, they’re not going to allow Emily to go to the police. There is no one out there who cares.”

  I expected her to deflate. To give in.

  Instead, she squared her shoulders. “You’re so used to getting what you want.”

  Good. The fire was back.

  “What I’m offering you, Ashley, is what most women would kill for. Do you have any idea how many women would love to have my attention? My devotion?”

  “Then go to them. I don’t want anything to do with you. If there are so many other women, take them. I’m not important.”

  I closed the distance between us, and she quickly shrank back against the wall, almost as if she hoped it could hide her.

  So sweet.

  I took one of her hands, then the other, pressing them against the wall, holding her in place.

  “Let me go.”


  I moved my body against hers so she’d feel it. I was aroused. My rock-hard cock pressed against her stomach and she released a little moan. With the sounds she made, I already wanted to take her cherry, but I was a patient man. Today wasn’t that day, no matter how hungry I was for it.

  Pressing my face against her neck, I breathed her in. She needed a shower, but there was something hypnotic about Ashley. I craved her. From the first moment I saw her, and not just when she’d moved in with Emily, before then. Seven long years ago at a party. I’d gone to see Emily, but this brunette had captured my attention.

  Emily was beautiful, no doubt about it.

  Ashley was ravishing. Her dark-brown locks and tender eyes. An air of sweetness and innocence clung to her. She was the epitome of virginal. Emily was innocent by necessity. The first opportunity she’d bedded her men, and that had ended it. Ashley didn’t care about other men. I’d seen how she treats them. They weren’t important to her. Life, living, food, happiness, joy. Those were the kind of experiences Ashley searched for.

  She went in and out of people’s lives, but no one seemed to really see her or know her. To many, she wasn’t important.

  The only person to ever show any signs of giving a shit about her was Emily. It was why that woman still fucking breathed. She made Ashley smile. There was no way I could justify killing her and leaving Ashley with no one. Not until I was ready.

  “Is this what you want? To take me by force?”

  I smiled. “You know, a lot of men would have slapped you around. Put that mouth to good work.”

  She tilted her head back. “You’re not like other men.”

  “No, I’m not. Keep testing me, Ashley. You’ll push to the point you’ll lose. You don’t want to make an enemy out of me.”

  I let her feel my dick some more. Damn, all I really wanted to do was slide deep inside her cunt. To feel her cherry pop beneath my touch. The enjoyment came in the chase.

  Stepping back from her took all of my control, but I did it, even though I wanted to do much more.

  “Shower, Ashley. You stink.” I stepped away out of the room and flicked the lock back into pla

  My yacht was luxurious with beautiful en-suite bathrooms. Ashley was about to enter a world she’d only ever caught glimpses of.

  Once I was back on deck, one of the women come toward me, carrying a fresh glass of water. I took the glass, sipping at the cold water and ignoring her stare which begged to be fucked.

  The women who surrounded me were all loyal and subservient. They’d shown no wish to leave, nor did they want to go back to a life of misery.

  Sipping at my drink, I hummed my approval.

  The sun was hot. My dick was hard. My little virgin was below deck, taking a shower. Her curvy body beneath the spray, or did she decide to take a bath? Either way, the thought of her naked made me hot.

  Pulling out my cell phone, I didn’t have to use my imagination at all. I clicked into the security cameras, and sure enough, there was my ripe peach ready to be plucked. She was in the en-suite, her long brown hair finally down, and she even let out a little moan. Bubbles filled the tub, hiding her body from me, but that was okay.

  Soon enough, Ashley would never hide from me. I was going to know all of her secrets, work her body until she was weak and desperate only for me.

  I finished my drink and watched her as she bathed. This wasn’t the first time I’d gotten this close, and it wouldn’t be the last.

  Chapter Two

  I was bored.

  I wasn’t used to this feeling.

  Working, experimenting, having girl time with Emily, it took up a lot of time, and I loved it like that.

  Sitting in a cabin on a boat was the most boring thing of all.

  I’d bathed twice. Slept for what felt like hours. Done nothing.

  I was starving.

  Time was just that. Going by.

  At some point, I ended up at the bottom of the bed with my head hanging over the end, waiting. My thoughts went to Emily. If she was with the Monsters, then that meant she was happy. I’d seen how miserable she’d gotten without them. Four men, all of them completely devoted to her.

  All my life, I couldn’t even get my mother to truly love me. I wasn’t jealous of Emily. I love her like a sister. I’d always wanted the best for her, but I did envy the number of people who actually loved her.

  All four of her men.

  I had one man who didn’t even care about me. Nope, just a small, thin piece of flesh between my thighs. That was the most interesting thing about me, it seemed. I was a virgin and that gave me value. Nothing else. My mind didn’t matter, or my love of romance. I was worthless.

  The door unlocked, and I stayed hung upside down. The blood flowed to my head as I watched Earl enter my room. He leaned against the doorframe. The sane part of my brain told me to be nice. To play whatever game he wanted to play in order to make it out of here alive.

  The other part of my brain, the one that seemed to have grown balls and talked right off to him, wanted to get under his skin. That part wanted to make him suffer, wanted to make everyone who treated me as less than suffer.

  I’d never been a vindictive person, but at that moment, I could quite safely say it would be so easy to be one.

  “What is the meaning of this?”

  “No meaning.” I stayed, staring up at him.

  He was tall. Handsome. Even with his scar. Why couldn’t he have been ugly? He was older than me. Perhaps in his forties. His age didn’t bother me though. Strange.

  “Are you hungry?”

  “Will it be undercooked like the eggs?”

  He smiled. I liked it. I really shouldn’t, but it was nice.

  “You’ve got a smart mouth.”

  “You’ve promised not to hurt me.”

  “And you believe me?”

  “You’d have killed me already.” I rolled over and fell to my knees before him. I was a virgin. I’d never kissed a guy or been felt up by one. Never had one give me an orgasm. The ones I’d given myself were pitiful. It didn’t mean I was completely unaware of sex. I’d seen porn. I’d even heard my mom with some of the men. It was disgusting, and I knew kneeling on the floor, with my hair falling around me, I looked submissive. The clothes available in this room were not so sexy. Sweatpants and a large shirt, but I liked them. I felt like I could hide when I wore them. “Unless what is really going to get you off is the chance of me being dead. Is that what you want, Earl? A dead virgin?”

  I watched him closely. He gave nothing so obvious away. It was all in his eyes. The way they stared at me. I hit a nerve, but the truth was I didn’t care.

  I wasn’t going to be at his or anyone else’s mercy, not ever again. Even though my heart raced as I fought him, I took great pride in not giving in.

  “If you want to eat, follow me.”

  My stomach chose that moment to answer for me. Traitorous hunger. Getting to my feet, I followed behind him. The boat was still swaying. Part of me wondered if a shark was circling. I could push him overboard and take over the crew. It would never happen. I had more chance of dying through drowning than taking over this boat.

  I expected us to head above deck, but he led me to a sitting room. Along the curve of the room, I saw sofas. They looked so comfortable. A large television screen dominated a wall, and three large boxer dogs lifted up when Earl entered.

  “Stay,” he said. His voice commanding, deep, husky.

  Another table was set for the two of us.

  Earl held out a chair, and I went to it, sitting down, and he slid it beneath the table.

  As I sat on my ass, his fingers traced along my arms, and I waited for him to touch me some more. It never came.

  I placed the napkin into my lap and watched him sit. He’d changed out of the white trousers, and he now wore gray and white. I was a slob in comparison to him.

  “Did you enjoy your bath?”

  “Yes, thank you.”

  He snapped his fingers, and a man came out. I’d noticed none of the men even looked at me. I wondered if it was because of my ugliness or if he’d ordered them not to. Why would he do that? A small bowl with white-looking soup was placed in front of me. I waited for him to start before picking up my spoon.

  I took a spoonful and closed my eyes. Cauliflower, herbs, I thought I detected some rosemary, one of my favorites. I knew not a lot of people liked it, but I did. It was especially good on roast potatoes. I couldn’t believe that while I was seated opposite a man, I was thinking about food and ingredients. I was so fucking weird.

  “Good?” he asked.

  “It’s delicious.” I took another sip, and I wasn’t lying. It was good soup. One of my favorites, in fact. I loved cauliflower. As an ingredient, it wasn’t appreciated enough. Emily loved what I made out of cauliflower, from barbequing it up, to making it into a pizza, using it as rice. So many good things.

  I finished the soup, wishing I had some bread to dip around the edges. There was perfectly good food, and I hated to waste anything because of the years of living with my mom when she’d worry about the next paycheck, or the wealthy boyfriend who would pay all of her bills.

  Again, Earl snapped his fingers, and I sat through two more delicious courses before dessert finally came out. Chocolate mousse, yum. I used the tiny spoon provided to take small amounts to enjoy the taste. I did this in an attempt to know what ingredients were used. At that moment, I wished I had my notebook. Emily often teased me about carrying around it around, but I loved it. It was like a security blanket. Not that anyone could blame me after everything that had gone down.

  “I love watching you eat,” Earl said.

  Now there was no food as a distraction, I had no choice but to face him. Holding my hands across my stomach, I stared at him and waited.

  “Have you thought any more about my request?”

  “You think you’re giving me a choice?”

  “Everyone has choices, Ashley.”

  This caused me to laugh. It wasn’t a nice sound. All my life, I hadn’t had choices. My mom took them away from me. Even the Monsters didn’t give me a choice. I’d always been told what to do.

  “I don’t have a choice. You’re not going to let me out of here until you get what you want.”


  I wanted to play with something. Fidgeting was a comfort to me, but the moment I was in his company, I seemed to freeze up, standing still. It was infuriating because I didn’t want to give in to him. The last thing I wanted to ever do, was allow him to think he’d won. He hadn’t won. Sure, the man made me nervous, but who wouldn’t be.