A Very MC Picnic_Sam Crescent MC Special Page 6
Tabitha moved up to the computer and waited as Daisy’s fingers hovered over the keyboard.
“Why are you stopping?” Simon asked, holding Tabitha’s waist as he stood behind her.
“What if this causes a problem between the clubs?” Daisy asked.
“What do you mean?” This came from Anthony.
“All the clubs are here for a reason, right? What if me doing this, destroys that trust? I don’t want to be responsible for that kind of breakdown.”
Out of all of them, Daisy was the one with a conscience.
“We’re here to help our club, Daisy. My dad wanted this. Whatever the fallout, he’ll deal with it. Nothing will happen to you, I promise.”
Daisy took a deep breath, and the moment her fingers touched the keyboards, Tabitha’s vision became blurred. Like Whizz, Daisy could type at an exceedingly fast rate, and as she kept on typing, little boxes would appear saying that access was denied. That didn’t stop her, though, and Tabitha watched as she broke through all their walls.
Chapter Six
“What do you think?” Angel asked.
“Right now, everyone is losing their patience, and I mean everyone. Look around you,” Lexie said. “Since Dick’s outburst it’s pushed them all back together.”
“It was kind of … spontaneous.”
“I don’t even know why Devil decided to bring him,” Lexie said, running fingers through her hair.
“You girls seen Daisy?” Lacey asked. “I’ve not seen her since Tabitha got her a soda.”
“She’s gone into the house with Tabitha and Simon,” Lexie said.
Lacey stared at her. “And why has she done that?”
“Because Lash asked Anthony, and they’re all friends and stick together,” Angel said.
“And you didn’t think to consult me?”
“Whoa,” Lexie said. “What the hell’s the problem?”
“You’re right. I’m sorry. Daisy’s been having a few troubles lately.”
Angel frowned. “What do you mean?”
“She’s been using the skills that Whizz taught her and … hacking places. We’ve had to ban her from the computer as she accessed all of the school files and that of the hospital. It was for practice or something. She stole some money from us to give to someone. It’s why she’s here now, so that she doesn’t get into any more trouble. Sally couldn’t watch her for us. We’re having to keep an eye on her.”
“Wait, what?” Angel asked. “I didn’t know about this. Who has she been stealing for?”
Lacey went pale. “Erm … shit. I don’t think I should have said anything. Fuck.”
Angel walked away from the women and went straight to Lash. He was talking with Whizz and Blaine. She didn’t care that she interrupted.
“Who was Daisy stealing money for?” she asked, hand on hip as she looked at her husband.
Lash stared past her shoulder and clearly saw Lacey. “Of course.”
“I’ll go and deal with this,” Whizz said.
“That’s my cue to fucking leave.” Blaine held his hands up, and Angel didn’t care.
“Why didn’t you tell me what was going on?”
“Look, we discovered a few weeks ago that Daisy’s hacking had gone a step further. Whizz put a ban on her computer usage and has also put protection so when she does go on the internet, she has minimal security.”
“I’ve known that little girl for a long time. Who was she sending funds to?” Angel asked.
“You don’t need to concern yourself with this. It was handled and with the club, Chloe, and Anthony, I didn’t want to worry you about this. We’ve had other things to deal with for the club.”
“Damn it, Lash. Regardless of what we’ve got to do at the club, I need to know everything. I do.” He went to argue, and she held her hand up. “No, no.”
“Not here.”
“You don’t have to explain everything here, Lash. I get how important our privacy is. Believe me I do. What you need to understand is I will never interfere with how you run the club. Never, ever will. That’s your club and I respect that, and I get it, totally get it. What I won’t have is you not telling me about the kids. I take care of Daisy, and I help in every other aspect of the club. How can I help completely and support you when you need it if you don’t tell me everything?”
“No. We’ll talk about this after we’re done, but right now, I’m hurt that you didn’t trust me with this.”
“Daisy’s going through a lot right now.”
“Who was she sending funds to?”
Lash paused, and she saw the battle in his eyes. For a long time, she’d stayed out of club business. It wasn’t any of her concern, and to a point, it wasn’t now. She didn’t make the decisions. Lash talked to her about most things, but it would seem not everything.
“Her parents.” Lash finally spoke up.
“That’s right. We don’t know when they spoke to her or why, only that Daisy stole money to give to them. She won’t say why, and neither she nor her parents are talking. Lacey and Whizz are concerned, but they didn’t want to put too much of an issue on this as they want Daisy to trust them. She’s never done anything like this before. Something is going on. I don’t know what exactly it is, but I will get to the bottom of it.”
“I can go and talk to them, if you want.”
Lash shook his head. “See, this is the reason I didn’t want to tell you.”
“Because I want to help.”
“Exactly. You want to help because you refuse to believe that they could be bad people.”
“I know they could be bad people. They forgot about their daughter all the time, Lash. I’m not a fool or an idiot.”
Lash sighed and pulled her close, kissing her head. “I know, baby. I know you’re not an idiot, and right now I’m behaving like one and I really, really shouldn’t. Let’s get through this day, okay? Get through this day and deal with whatever is to come.”
She sighed. “Fine.” She pulled away. “I will help though. I’m stronger than I look.”
“I know you are.”
When Lash was given the position of Prez, she’d been so afraid. Everyone saw her as too sweet. She didn’t think she could be what they all needed. As Prez, the club needed a strong woman at his side. She didn’t believe in violence or seeing the worst in people, far from it. She always wanted to see the best in people. The only problem was, people liked to prove her wrong.
“What about him?” Lindsey asked, moving Pie around so that she could point out another man.
“You’re not even looking.”
“I don’t need to look right now. It’s … stupid. This entire thing is stupid, and you know what? I’m getting bored.” Pie went to pull away, but she wouldn’t let him go.
“You’re in an awful mood today.”
“You’re only just figuring that out? I don’t want you to be here when all this bullshit kicks off.”
“Aw, you do love me after all.”
He stared at her, and she smirked.
“Don’t you think this could be a little fun? You know, just some partying, some fun times, and stuff like that. They’ve got children playing. The sun is shining. Everything is actually going really well, but you’re being a little negative and completely ruining the moment.”
“I’m sorry. I guess I’m just used to people trying to kill us.”
“There you go again being all negative.” She sighed. “Remember this was supposed to be fun. You’re meant to be showing me the good parts of being around all MC members.”
He grabbed her waist, and she giggled as he swung her around and then up. He did this again, and she couldn’t contain her excitement.
“Does that feel good?”
“Yes, now keep that smile on your face, and maybe we can find you a woman to get laid with.”
“Babe, unless they’re part of the Trojan entourage,
I have absolutely no interest in screwing any of them.”
She sighed. “You’re a pain in my ass.”
“Not right now, but I could show you a pain in the ass. One that will have you screaming.”
Pie was a constant flirt, making promises he’d never keep. Their agreement was still in place and had been for most of the summer. He was to help her find Mr. Right while she helped him find Ms. Right. It was perfect.
She’d been on three boring dates, and he’d been on five. Three had slapped him around the face, and the other two threw drinks at him. Pie was not … datable. Bless him. She probably should be focusing on all the men around him, but she didn’t care about the club. Pie was fast becoming one of her best friends, and she never had a male best friend before. She normally put them in category of who she’d fuck.
Pie was firmly in the best friend one.
She adored him so much.
“So far, mister, I am unimpressed with your ability to date anyone or anything, so I have no desire to see what you’re lacking in the bedroom.”
Pie laughed. “I do not lack for anything. I’m very gifted, I’ll have you know.”
“Right, I’ll believe that when I hear it from a woman who is not completely devoted to the club.”
“What the hell is that supposed to mean?”
“Women say stuff, and the fact you’ve not even gotten to a kiss at the door in date land, I have my doubts about your ability to please a woman.” She pressed a finger to his lips. “Do not even start to get lippy with me, Pie. A quick finger and some tongue action does not a good time make. It can create a happy moment for a few minutes, if that. I’m talking about the smoking hot action that has a woman thinking about a guy for days, weeks after that first encounter.”
“I do that.”
“No, you make a bunch of club whores scream your name, but that is about it.” She patted his shoulder. “I need a drink.”
She walked away, heading toward the drinks table.
“This is not going well at all,” Anna said.
Lindsey recognized her as the woman on Russ’s arm. She was the Billionaire Bikers’ Prez’s old lady. Wow, that was a mouthful. Thinking about a very dirty mouthful, it made her smile.
“What did you expect, honey?” Lindsey said. “They’re a bunch of MC clubs. Not some teenagers being sent to the principal’s office. The fact we’re all still alive, count your blessings.” She picked up a sandwich and took a bite.
“She’s right,” a brunette said. “I’m Angel.”
“Lindsey. I’m with the Trojans. You?” She shook the other woman’s hand.
“The Skulls.”
“Wow, I heard some serious shit about them.”
Angel laughed.
“While we’re all making introductions, I’m Cora. Dirty Fuckers.”
“I’m Emily, again, The Skulls.”
“Lexie, Chaos Bleeds.”
“I’m Mary, Trojans again.”
Lindsey smiled at the women she didn’t know. It wasn’t just them there. Other women were spread out. She saw Holly with the kids, and Kasey was there as well as Zoe and Leanne. They were the Trojans women in residence, including her, but she didn’t have a man on her arm. She was just Pie’s best friend as well as Kasey’s.
“I’m sorry about Dick with your club member,” Lexie said.
“You mean Dane? Don’t worry about it. Dane will get over it.”
“So, what do you think of all of this?” Lindsey asked.
“It’s … interesting,” Angel said. “I thought it was going to be a bit more, I don’t know.”
“Scary?” Cora asked. “Hot? Dangerous?”
“I guess dangerous and scary are good words. I don’t know how hot can play into it,” Angel said.
“Is she real?” Lindsey asked.
“Actually, she is. The only hot person to Angel is her man. Isn’t that right, honey?”
“Oh, you mean because of all the men here? Nah, sorry, I’m perfectly content with my own man, even if he does like to drive me crazy from time to time,” Angel said, flicking some of her hair out of her eyes.
Lindsey thought she was a total babe. Yes, she liked men and women and wasn’t afraid of experimenting. She sometimes wondered if her perfect life would be with another woman or a woman and a guy. Thing was, she liked to be the center of attention. Having some fun lovin’ was fine from time to time, but she A, loved cock, and B, loved being the center of attention.
“Well, if you ever want to experiment with the same sex, I’m right here,” she said, reaching over and twirling a curl.
Angel’s cheeks heated. “Did you just…?”
“Did I just proposition you? Totally did, and I’m not ashamed of it either.”
“Yeah, that’s our Lindsey for you,” Mary said.
“I’m trying to break the ice here. Everyone seems so tense.”
“That’s because they are. It’s a tense time.”
“Then how about we untense it,” Lindsey said. “I’m sorry if my proposition upset you, but, honey, you have got sweetness and sex all over you. I could show you a good time. For now, let’s go and have a dance, and show them we can all play nice.” She held onto Mary’s hand, and led her toward where she and Pie had been dancing. There was no perimeter set up for dancing, but it would seem they had all made one up for themselves, which was away from the table and food. There the fight had kicked off, but the debris had already been cleaned away.
“Do I need to worry about you trying to cop a feel?” Mary asked.
Lindsey sighed and put her hands on Mary’s hips. “I can play nice. I’m not harassing anyone. I just wanted her to know.”
“I get that, I do. Everyone is tense right now, and I guess the Trojans are much used to their flirting.” Mary chuckled. “I think most of the free pussy at the club is jealous you only ever hit on the old ladies.”
Lindsey laughed. “What can I say, I clearly have standards of my own. I love you girls though. I wouldn’t do anything to ruin that. I know I can get a bit drunk, run my mouth, and not stop talking, but I mean well.”
“Pie’s taken to you. That’s new.”
“Please, he totally fancied Kasey for, like, a week.”
“But he didn’t. Yeah, he wanted to fuck her, but I’m sure there are a lot of men and women who want to screw that don’t,” Mary said.
“You know, that is very true, but again, I don’t see it. I’m starting to think I’m not the kind of woman who settles down. You know. One guy just doesn’t seem to cut it. I don’t know.”
“You want kids, Lindsey. I know you do because I’ve seen the way you are with all of ours.”
“Yeah, well, we don’t always get what we want. I want kids, but I also want to be blissfully in love when I do. Is that so hard?”
“No, it’s not so hard. You’ll find the perfect guy out there.”
“You think so?” Lindsey asked.
“I know so. I don’t think it’s possible you not finding him.”
The song changed, and with a quick spin, they changed partners and she had Cora in her arms.
“We can play nice,” Lindsey said.
“I agree. I think the sooner we move this day along the better, don’t you?”
Chapter Seven
Rage approached his Prez, seeing the calculation in his gaze. Saint was not known for playing nice long. He glanced over toward the children where his wife stood talking with Pea, her sister, Melissa, and Natasha.
“How are you holding up?” he asked.
“I’m doing fine. Holding my own,” Saint said. “What about you?”
“Waiting to see what you’re going to do. You’re not exactly known for being … hospitable.”
Saint chuckled. “We’re all here for a reason. I want to know what that reason is. I’m tired of playing games.”
Rage didn’t expect anything different. “You know you could just be patient like everyone else.”
“Not my style.”
“You’re going to start something in front of the children?”
“No, you’re going to bring Russ here to me. I’m bored. I’ll be in the house for when you do this.” Saint turned on his heel, and Rage watched as he made his way into the house.
This was not good. Not good at all. He didn’t want to lure another man to see Saint, but from what he could see, there wasn’t a whole lot that he could do.
“Why do you look like you ate a sour grape?” Pea asked.
He turned to see several of the Saints around him.
“Saint would like a word with Russ.”
They didn’t seem surprised when he told them that. None of them were. Why should they be? They were all expecting this. The Saints and Sinners MC did not play nice with anyone or anything, Saint especially. They’d been brought out of their own little world, and Rage had to admit, he was bored too. This wasn’t a party, or a gathering, or even something fun. The kids were having a blast, but they’d have a blast wherever there was a bouncy castle.
“What do you want us to do?” Pea asked.
“We need to get Russ to Saint. That’s it. We deal with whatever else is to come.” Rage ran his hand down his hair and nodded at his men. They would know what to do when he gave them the signal.
They all disbanded, and he glanced around the large garden and saw Russ talking with some of the Dirty Fuckers. All of the Billionaire Bikers MC were present. He spotted each one. They were not hard to find, considering they were the only ones in business suits. It kind of made him laugh to think of them as anything other than a bunch of businessmen. Knowing they were responsible for helping a bunch of trafficked girls, he didn’t really see it. None of them looked like they could hurt a fly, let alone take out men responsible for training, possession, and kidnapping of these girls. He had to respect anyone who did it though. Trafficking was not part of the Saints and Sinners, not under Saint’s watch.
Saint’s father could have been a whole different thing.
Pushing those thoughts aside, he didn’t know how he was going to do this, but as Rage made his way across the yard about to talk to Russ, his arm was suddenly pulled on. He turned to see his wife Penny there.