Plain Jane and the Mafia Beast Page 9
“Why don’t you shut the fuck up?” Galiza said. “Let him do his job.”
“I wanted pecan pancakes this morning with chocolate chips and syrup. There’s a restaurant that serves really good pancakes. You ask the right person, they make them when you arrive and serve them hot with warm maple syrup. Delicious. I was going to go there this morning.”
“Shit, you haven’t had your pancakes?” Daniel asked.
“I’ve not had a single bite to eat.”
“Damn, this is not going to go easy for you. Not in the slightest. You should have at least let the guy have his coffee.”
“I don’t know anything. I was told to be at a time and at a place. I promise.”
Vincenzo hated it when grown men became bumbling pussies. Getting up from his chair, he made his way toward the briefcase he’d brought with him. There was a table in the corner, and he placed it near the man bound to the chair. Picking up his briefcase, he placed it on the flat surface, doing the code that would unlock it.
“I’m very old school, I am,” he said, removing his tools from the briefcase and putting them on the table. Opening out the case, it showed some of his tools from a variety of knives to pliers and other pieces of equipment perfect as a personal torture kit. “You know I went to college. Took several classes in human biology and of course medicine as well. What makes these two arts fascinating is I learned exactly what body part I can take and also how to keep a person alive long enough to make them talk but to also tell me all of their secrets.” He grabbed the man’s hand and, with the clippers, snipped off the man’s ring finger.
The screams echoed around the warehouse.
Vincenzo was used to them.
They ran off him like water in a shower. This was what he’d been trained to do, knew nothing else and wouldn’t ever change who he was.
“Fuck! Please, please, no more.”
“Wow, he’s already pissed himself,” Daniel said.
“How long have you been in contact with this person?” He believed this man didn’t have a clue who’d called him. The truth of the person’s identity would come in the finer details. It was amazing how a person sounded, what they said, what their instructions were. He knew when he got the call today that Galiza had nothing to do with this. That he didn’t even have a fucking clue about it.
The finer details.
It was what torture was all about.
Learning those little facts.
The reporter gave up very little, and what little he did have, wouldn’t lead them to find out any more clues. Someone close to Galiza was doing this, but it was a smokescreen to hide something. Vincenzo had an idea who was behind the reporter’s sudden appearance, but he wasn’t willing to call out a traitor without actual proof.
He slit the guy’s throat, waiting for him to die and then removed his eyes.
“Why the fuck did you do that?” the oldest Galiza asked.
“Simple. His body will be discovered, and every single reporter will know if they work to bring down the Galiza in any way they will answer for their crimes. Be careful what you look for, I’ll be coming.”
“You did wonderful,” Galiza said, coming to him, slapping him on the back.
“I need to look at his camera, and I’ll need forty-eight hours to go and check out his apartment.”
“Do what you need to do. I’ll keep his body on ice until then.”
With that, he left the warehouse with Daniel in tow.
“What are you thinking?” Daniel asked.
“It’s one of them in there,” Vincenzo said.
“The sons?”
“Power. To overthrow their father. I don’t really care who it is. I just know we’ve got to find the one responsible.”
“Why now?”
“Because we’ve got that camera and the resources. I’d start watching your back, Daniel. They’ll come after us next.”
Arika’s feet hurt, but that was to be expected after a ten-hour shift with no break in between. They’d been swamped with customers, and that was a good thing. No customers, no work. Lots of customers, plenty of work.
She liked working.
It helped to take her mind off everything else going on in her life.
She tried not to think about him.
He’d not been wrong about his plan. It truly had been a one-night affair.
It had certainly been a night she wouldn’t be forgetting any time soon. She’d been fucked in every single way that mattered, and now he’d ruined her for anyone else. Rachel was constantly trying to set her up with someone, and Arika turned her down flat. The last thing she wanted right now was to date anyone.
Walking up the stairs to her apartment, she stood outside and worked the three different locks. Stepping inside, she quickly locked the three and bolted the rest from the inside. If anyone tried to break down her door, they could just splinter the wood with enough force. At least it gave her some semblance of being protected. Not a lot but enough.
Flicking on the light, she turned around and froze.
“I could have been anyone,” he said.
“Anyone wouldn’t have snuck into someone’s apartment,” she said. “How did you get in here?”
“I have a key.”
She saw Vincenzo held a set of keys within his grasp. “This isn’t even a little bit funny.”
“I’m not laughing. I find your safety important.”
“I thought that was the reason I wouldn’t see you again. My safety.”
“It seems that I may have hit a bit of a snag.”
“Yes. You see. One night wasn’t enough for me. Take off your jacket.”
He raised his brow.
“You’re not supposed to be here.”
“You want me to leave?”
“I want to know why you’re here?”
“I’m here because I want to fuck you again, Arika. Tell me in the past two weeks you’ve not thought about me?”
She licked her lips, refusing to confirm or deny him.
“You have thought about me. Don’t worry, sweetheart. You don’t need to say anything. I can see the truth in your eyes. I was the first man in that tight little cunt, ass, and mouth. I’ll answer first. I’ve done nothing but think about you.”
“How many women have you been with while you’ve been thinking about me?” she asked.
She wouldn’t be jealous. There’s no way she’d give him that kind of power again.
“That’s right. Have you had any men trying to come and take what is mine?”
He gave her that smirk, which she hated.
“I’ve been busy.”
“You can blame your lack of fucking of other men on anything you want, but you and I both know it’s because you want me. No man will ever match up to your first.”
“So, I won’t match up to the other women you’ve been with?” she asked.
“It’s a little different for men. Women have a tendency to blend in together.”
“Unless of course there’s one woman. Take off your clothes, Arika. I know you want my mouth on that pretty pussy. I can see it in your eyes.”
He stood up, but he didn’t make a move toward her.
She watched as he removed his jacket, then began to unbutton his shirt.
“You’re so sure about this.”
“When it comes to you, I can read you like a book. You want my cock. You just don’t like that you want to use me as much as I want to use you, and believe me, I do. I want to fuck you until you can’t think straight.”
The shirt fell to the floor, and he kicked off his shoes then his trousers until he stood naked.
He then sat down on her rather th
readbare sofa. She did have a throw over it to hide how worn the fabric was. He wrapped his fingers around his dick, running his hand up and down the length. The tip glistened with pre-cum.
She remembered what it felt like to have him in her mouth. To suck on his dick, to feel him filling her with his cum before swallowing it all.
“There’s nothing wrong with using each other. You’ve not found a man. No one knows I’m here so you’re more than safe. Come on, Arika. Use me. Make me fuck you. Let me show you how much I’ve missed you. There’s nothing wrong with taking your pleasure how you want it.”
Pulling her bag off over her head, she then removed her jacket.
She hated how accurate he was. How much she had missed him. The fact that every single night she’d brought herself to orgasm with just the memory of him, pissed her off. She didn’t want him to have any kind of power over her, and yet, it seemed that no matter what she did, he owned a part of her.
He was her first.
The best moments of her life.
Driving her completely wild.
She’d wake up in the middle of the night, aching, sweat-slicked, desperate.
Opening the dress of her uniform, she stepped out of it, kicking off her shoes. Stepping closer to him, she removed her underwear.
Standing just out of his reach, she glared at him.
“This doesn’t mean that every single time you want to get your rocks off, you can come here.”
“Baby, I don’t just want to get my rocks off. I want to get my dick off.” He reached out, grabbing her hand and tugging her close.
She stepped toward him, staring into his eyes as his hand went between her thighs. She opened her legs and moaned as he started to finger-fuck her pussy, stroking inside her, pulling out to tease her clit. He circled her bud, flicking his finger back and forth, making her even more wet.
He pushed two fingers inside her, and she started to work herself onto them.
“That’s right. See, you want this as well. I can give you what you want, Arika, and I take what I want.”
When she was close to coming, he pulled out.
She growled his name, but he didn’t make her wait long. He pulled her over his thighs so that she was straddling him. Vincenzo took the lead. Putting his cock at her entrance, he slowly began to fill her. She thrust down, taking him in. It was a tight fit but nothing like the pain she experienced that first time.
Gripping onto his shoulders, she lifted herself up then moved back down, making him go deep.
They both moaned.
Vincenzo’s hands went from her hips to her ass, then up to cup her tits.
“I can’t get enough of you. I want you constantly. I stroke my cock thinking about you in the morning. I wake up so hard remembering how fucking hot you looked with a mouthful of cum. You loved it, didn’t you, Arika? You loved me fucking you, taking what was mine.”
“Yes, please, shut up. Fuck me, Vincenzo.”
She cried out as he lifted her up, withdrawing his cock. He pressed her over the back of the chair. He found her entrance and slid home. His hands cupped her tits, pinching her nipples before moving down to tease her pussy.
He stroked her clit at the same time as he fucked her hard.
The sound of their bodies slapping together as well as their moans echoed around the room.
His body was everywhere. She felt completely surrounded by him, and she loved every second, desperate for more.
The moment he brought her to orgasm, Vincenzo didn’t let up. He grabbed her hips and started to pound away inside her. He slapped her ass, and she pushed back against him, needing him.
“Please, yes, yes, it feels so good.”
“Fuck, baby, you’re so fucking sexy. So perfect. So everything.”
He thrust inside her one final time, and she felt every single spurt as his cum filled her, felt each pulse of his cock as he came, holding her tighter than ever before.
She couldn’t believe they had just fucked.
Panting for breath, she closed her eyes. His lips brushed against her neck. “Thank you, Arika. That was everything I wanted.”
She didn’t open her eyes as he pulled away nor as he finished getting dressed. She stayed in position with his cum dripping down her thighs. She didn’t move until she heard the door close.
Arika pushed her hair off her face and relocked her door again.
She knew she should deny him, but she would also be denying herself. As much as it hurt to hear him walk away, she didn’t want it to stop.
Chapter Ten
Daniel bit into his large cheeseburger with all the trimmings. “That was a big fucking bust. The camera and his place both. None of it makes sense. Did that guy really get killed for a big fucking hunch?”
Vincenzo looked through the pictures again.
There was nothing on the dead reporter’s camera that could have been worth anything. There were pictures of Galiza and of his sons. Looking at them from different angles, he rubbed at his eyes.
“You’ve got that look as if to say you’re pissed.”
“Don’t talk with your mouth full.”
“Wow, sorry, Dad. I didn’t realize I was offending you. You do know that for the past two weeks we’ve been running around chasing a dead end, right?” Daniel asked. “The cops have stopped the raids, and even the Vitale have gone silent as well. It’s like this whole shitstorm was a mask.”
“Yeah, for something bigger.” Vincenzo took a bite of his hot dog and looked back over the pictures. The sun was shining, and other than spending a lot of time with Daniel, his day was going rather well.
Galiza had him working the Vitale link as well as the raids, but he’d also been asked by his boss to keep it quiet. That if he was asked what he was working on, just to say stuff. It was rare for him to get such private work like now. Most of the time the entire family knew the drill, which told him Galiza believed it was close.
He really needed to figure out the connection. He didn’t know if his boss would even think about executing one of his sons if it was ever discovered they had tried to kill him.
Vincenzo hadn’t been around for any inner family conflict like that.
“You’ve got that thinking head on,” Daniel said. “Out with it.”
“What if our rat is working with the Vitale?” Vincenzo said.
“Nah, that’s not possible.”
“Why not?”
“The Vitale are fucking assholes, man. Years ago, I’m talking when we were little boys in diapers, the Vitale had an equal share in controlling the city. It was a bloodbath. I remember my dad saying that men would see women in the street, and it didn’t matter who they were with, if they wanted them, they’d take them. Kids were dying. Families were being killed for even looking at them. It was a fucking war. A bloodbath. The Vitale were too power-hungry.”
“Yeah, and to have support when their head family ends up dead. To reunite two families. Doesn’t Vitale have a daughter?”
“Yeah, so?”
“Bring two families together in marriage. You can no longer bring about a war or crush a family in that instance. I want a meeting set up with their torturer.”
“You think that’s wise?”
“I know Gabe. He’s a tough fucker but a fair man. We’ve met a few times. Set it up.”
“Like that. Treating me as your damn secretary.”
“What else would I treat you as?” he asked.
“I don’t know. Friend, colleague maybe.”
“Daniel, you have all the numbers. I don’t need to stroke your fucking ego right now. It’s the last thing I want to do, got it?”
Daniel rolled his eyes. “So, you seen anything of that chick yet?”
“You know. Wrong girl, wrong time. She got on the other end of my gun.” He held his thumb and finger up, pretending to have a gun.
“Don’t fucking bring her up.”
“I’ll take that as a no.”
“She’s not part of this world.”
“Is that your hang-up over that shit? This world ain’t so bad.”
“Were you there when the ex-mistress got tortured? Raped? You know her screams.”
“Please, I’ve heard you draw screams out of men that curdle the blood. Besides, that whore acted out of jealousy and got what she deserved. What does that have to do with your plain chick?”
“Don’t bring her up. You keep doing so, I’ll cut your dick off.”
“Fair, but you’ve got to answer my question, and if it’s a good reason, I’ll back off.”
“So long as you figure it’s a good reason.”
“Pretty much.”
“This life is dangerous. You see what’s happening. I’m the kind of guy people go after to kill. To hunt. I’m not going to let someone hurt her because of me.”
“You like her,” Daniel said.
Vincenzo rolled his eyes. “I don’t need to hear this bullshit.”
“Doesn’t take away from the fact that you clearly have feelings for this woman, otherwise you wouldn’t care.”
“When did we become girls talking about this?”
“You know it’s fine to fall in love,” Daniel said.
He looked over at his guard to see Daniel had in fact become serious. “It’s not going to happen.”
“She’s good for you. The few weeks you were taking care of her, you were a lot happier,” Daniel said. “Damn, that is a good burger.” He threw the wrappings in the trashcan next to them.
Climbing behind the wheel, Vincenzo waited for Daniel to get in before taking off.
While he drove, Daniel looked through the pictures again.
“I totally wish I know what the fuck was going on here,” Daniel said. He kept turning the picture around.
“Will you fucking stop that? It’s distracting.”
“Hold up. Pull the fuck over,” Daniel said.
“You heard me, pull over.”
Pulling against the side of the road, he glared at him. “We’ve got shit to do.”
“Look at those two pictures,” Daniel said. “Come on, man. I know I take the piss every now and again but come on. I know when I see something, and I see something now.”
Taking the pictures from Daniel, Vincenzo started to look at them. “What?”