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Movement to his left drew his attention, and he saw Michael, the little shit that was Alex’s kid, with some weed.
“What the fuck are you doing?” he asked, startling the kid.
Since they’d struck a deal with the law and were now helping the Billionaires, their old life had taken a dramatic turn. No drugs, no guns, no illegal shit.
They were all legit, and it was because of Lash that it was the case.
No one had any complaints about it, seeing as all the crap they had to deal with leading up to their going legit.
“Put that fucking out now before I get your dad on your ass. You want to play the big tough kid, you’ll do it inside a cell.”
“You wouldn’t,” Michael shot back.
“I would, and with you, I wouldn’t even give a fuck.”
Chapter Two
Darcy put the book down. She’d done as much homework as she could stand right now. The sounds of the hospital were all around her. Steven was now on babysitting duty, but he’d gone to grab himself a coffee.
Tucking her hair behind her ear, she wondered if she’d be one of the people who ended up losing her hair. There were so many different side effects and scary possibilities. The doctor had gone through them all, but she hadn’t heard them, not after he said the whole cancer thing, and what she was going to have to do.
“You shouldn’t be alone,” Sandy said, entering her room.
Sandy was Stink’s old lady, a doctor, and a part of The Skulls.
“Hey,” she said.
Sandy leaned against the bed and grabbed her chart. “How are you doing today?”
“Are you being my doctor?”
“Sorry, I can’t seem to shut it off.”
Darcy smiled.
Sandy was the only one not treating her as sick. After she glanced through the chart then put it back in place, she picked up one of the assignment sheets she was sent. “It’s the only part that sucks, you still have to do homework. They won’t give you a reprieve.”
“You’re not a cancer doctor, are you?”
“No, I’m not. I wouldn’t be able to be on your case anyway. Not with something like this. I thought Steven was supposed to be keeping you company.”
“He got thirsty and went for coffee. I’m fine. I was doing homework and reading.”
Sandy reached out, taking hold of her hand. “You’re being very brave.”
“You’re not going to give me pity as well, are you?”
“Why would I give you pity?” Sandy asked.
“I don’t know. Everyone is treating me with kid gloves.”
“And you’re finding it hard to settle on one emotion. You’re sad, then angry, and then you hate everyone and everything.”
“How do you know that?”
“I know you, and I know patients.”
“I don’t want to be a patient.”
“I know that also. This is one of the scariest moments you’re ever going to have.” Sandy took hold of her hand. “But you are strong. You can do this.”
“You’re not going to tell me to beat it.”
“You know you’ve got to beat it, otherwise you won’t get a chance to chase after Ink when you’re all better.”
“Oh, please, I don’t know what the big deal is. I’m not with him. I’m not even close to him. We are nothing to each other.”
Sandy chuckled. “So say all the women who don’t want the guy to know.”
“It doesn’t matter.”
“Am I interrupting?”
Darcy looked toward the door to see Tabitha.
“Not at all, darling. You come and keep our girl company. I’m going to have a word with Steven.” Sandy was gone before Darcy could say anything.
“Oops, he’s in trouble, isn’t he?” Tabitha asked, walking into the room.
“What are you doing here?”
“I walked here.”
“You cut school?”
“It’s not like it’s hard to do.” Tabitha dragged the chair across the room.
Darcy knew when Tabitha was a few years older, she was going to drive people crazy. She was a law unto herself, and Eva and Tiny thought they could confine that attitude, but there was no controlling Tabitha. She was so independent, always had been, even at a young age.
“You know, I used to hate coming to the hospital, but I think I could get used to this.” Tabitha sat down, her hands resting across her stomach as she smiled over at Darcy.
“You really should be in school.”
“School is lame. At least it is right now. I miss you. It sucks without you.”
Darcy sighed, lifting up her books. “I’m still doing work.”
“Michael bring you that stuff?”
“I’d check everything in case he uses you to do his homework.”
Darcy rolled her eyes. “He still trying to do that shit?”
“I know he doesn’t like school, and he keeps trying to get other girls to do his homework for him. I’m going to have to cut him.”
“What? He’s a grade-A asshole. No one wants to admit it, but it is the truth. He needs to be taught a lesson.”
“Cut him?”
“I have a knife.”
“How did you get a knife?” Tabitha stayed quiet. “I’m not joking around. A knife is really dangerous, and Michael is an asshole, we all know that. If he overpowers you, what are you going to do?”
“I’m young, but I’m not stupid. I can hurt him.” She shrugged. “Simon gave it to me.”
“Simon gave you the knife.”
“Bingo. He wanted me to have it to protect myself. He hates being away from me.” Tabitha sighed. “I hate being away from him too. I miss him so much.”
Darcy stared at her friend. They weren’t the same age. Darcy was a couple of years older than Tabitha, but they connected. They both had a love of their family and the club, and because of that love, they’d grown close really quickly. Also, they had grown up together.
What if she never saw Tabitha and Simon’s wedding? What if she … was dead? She’d never be able to watch her family grow up, and she’d just be dead.
“Don’t do Michael’s homework for him,” Tabitha said, pulling Darcy out of her thoughts.
She didn’t like how dark her thoughts went. Lifting up her blanket, she showed Tabitha the homework that Michael had tried to sneak in to get her to do. “I’m sick, but I can still see when Michael is trying to take the piss.”
“I think he needs to go back to Vegas.”
Darcy laughed. “Alex will deal with him.”
“Really? Uncle Alex doesn’t seem to have a handle on him. No one does.”
“And you think you can put him in his place?”
“Hell, yeah. He doesn’t scare me. He never has.”
“Just be careful, okay? I don’t like the thought of him hurting you.”
“Please, he can’t hurt anyone. It’s Michael. I’ll kick his ass, or I’ll get Miles and Anthony to do it.”
Darcy paused. Miles, Anthony, and Tabitha were all the same age, but they were deadly, including Daisy. They were a foursome at school. The Skulls often stuck together, but Michael wasn’t playing by the rules.
“Okay,” Darcy said.
“You like the idea of Michael getting his ass kicked, don’t you?” Tabitha asked, laughing.
“It would be funny.” She didn’t like Michael. His time in Vegas had made him mean and spiteful. “Let’s talk about something else.”
“I heard Ink was here the other day.”
“What is it with everyone talking about Ink?” Darcy asked, sitting back. “Nothing is going to happen, and I don’t even have a crush on him anymore.”
“You don’t?” Tabitha asked, brow raised.
“Stop looking at me like that.”
“Like what?”
“Like I’m lying to you.”
“I know you’re lying to me. I’m not judging you for it. I
believe Sally was the same.”
“It’s not the same.”
“Why not?”
“Because, Sally was closer to Steven’s age, and well, I’m not.”
“So, you won’t be a teenager forever.”
“You do know you’re younger than me.”
“It doesn’t mean I don’t know things.” She shrugged. “Look at my mom and dad. They have a huge age gap. He’s, like, granddaddy age, but they love each other. I’ve never seen my mom look at anyone else the way she does my dad. Why can’t it work with you and Ink?”
Darcy stared at Tabitha. There was no fighting with this girl; she seemed to have an argument for everything.
“You snuck out of school again?” Steven asked, entering the room with a coffee in hand.
“You know me.”
“I do, and I know your dad is going to be pissed.”
Tabitha shrugged. “It’ll be fine. He knows I’m here for Darcy and nothing more.”
Darcy smiled.
“How are you feeling?” Steven asked.
For a few minutes, Darcy was able to forget she was a sick person and what that kind of sickness meant. She tried not to think about what was to come. The medication, the treatment, the side effects.
Staring at Tabitha, she wished she was like her friend. Confident, happy, healthy, so sure of herself, and not once would she allow anyone to put her down.
“Of course she’s feeling fine. Look at her, she’s awesome and is in total control, isn’t that right?” Tabitha said.
“Yes, total control.”
It was all lies, though. She didn’t feel in control, far from it.
Tabitha and Steven began to talk, and she looked down at her lap, at the schoolwork stretched out before her. She couldn’t help but wonder what Ink was doing right at that very moment.
Ink rubbed at his head as he walked down the main clubhouse stairs to the kitchen. The scent of food was making him feel sick, but if food was being made, it meant Angel was in the kitchen, and if she was in the kitchen, that meant he was going to get coffee, which was what he needed.
Everyone had their own hangover cure, and this was his: coffee and dry toast.
It worked every single time.
He opened the kitchen doors and smiled as he saw Angel at the stove, flipping pancakes as well as frying some bacon.
“Have I told you I loved you lately?” he asked, going straight to the coffee machine.
Angel chuckled. “Don’t let Lash hear you say that. He’d be so upset. He’d ban you from the club.”
Ink wrinkled his nose. “I love you like a sister. You know that.”
“Dry toast?”
“It’s like you read my mind.”
“I just remember what it is you consider to be the cure. I know it’s different for everyone. For instance, Tate thinks boiled eggs does the trick. Lash, his is always black coffee. You know, I just remember these things. It’s fun.” She shrugged and then smiled at him. “Take a seat.”
Ink sat down at the large table, and minutes later Angel put the dry toast in front of him, along with a second cup of coffee. He finished the dregs of his first cup and smiled as he started to feel instantly better.
Maybe it was being waited on, or he just had the magical cure. He finished the first slice of toast, sat back, and nibbled on the second as he drank from his cup of coffee.
“You heard from Darcy today?”
“Steven got in an hour ago. He’s crashed. Alan has taken over for now. I believe Lash will be next. I’m packing up some goodies for him to take. She must be hating it there. I’ve also put together a care package with all of her favorite books, and look, I got a music player for her. I know she loves her music.”
Ink got up and crossed the kitchen to where Angel had everything on display. “It looks good.”
It did as well. The box was huge, and with Angel’s flair for care, it had pink ribbons, some girly bracelets and necklaces, or at least they looked like crafting things.
“It looks good.”
“Good. I want her to know she’s still loved.”
“Why wouldn’t she think she’s not loved?” he asked.
“Sandy mentioned how she was coping. She was going through all these emotions, and well, I don’t want her to think we think of her any less than we do now. She will pull through this.”
Ink was starting to see the problem.
Angel was nervous, and she was trying to pretend she wasn’t.
He placed an arm across her shoulder. Lash would kill him, but he had absolutely no attraction to this woman.
“This is more than enough.”
“I hope so.” Angel breathed out a sigh of relief.
“Get your arm off my woman.”
Ink laughed as he removed his arm and turned toward Lash.
“Oh, enough with you and your possessive attitude. Nothing was going on. Just me and Ink talking about my care package is all. You know you’re going to scare all the members off and end up with a club full of women,” Angel said, walking up to Lash.
“Nope, even women would touch you, and I wouldn’t allow it.” Lash pulled her in close. “I love you.”
“I know you do, but stop.” Angel kissed his cheek before pulling away and heading back to breakfast.
“I’ll take this to Darcy if you want. I know you’re busy with the kids and stuff.” He looked toward Lash. “You can spend some time with her.”
“You sure you want to keep going to see Darcy?”
“Look, I’m not some pervert. I care about Darcy, and I want to make sure she’s okay.”
“If you’re happy to do it, then by all means, do so. Tell her we love her,” Angel said.
So a couple of hours later, Ink was walking down the main children’s cancer unit. With the club funds, Darcy was in a private ward, being seen to by a private doctor.
He stopped outside of her door and saw her scribbling away at her notebook. Her school bag was on the floor, and on the bed was an assortment of books.
Lifting up his knuckle, he gave the door a knock, and waited for her to look up.
When she did, there was no smile that he was normally used to. In fact, she looked … pissed off to see him.
She closed the book on her lap and pushed it away. “What is it?”
He entered the room, closing the door behind him, holding the care package. “Angel wanted me to bring you this.”
“She did?”
“Oh.” Darcy nodded and moved some of her books away, tapping the bed.
He moved closer, putting the box on the bed and waiting as Darcy opened it up. She rummaged through the wrapping, and he saw the edge of a smile to her lips.
“Books. Makeup. Tell Angel I love her.” She opened up a box of the cookies, and without even consulting the doctor, she opened them up and took a bite. He watched her eyes close. “They are so good.”
“Angel’s cooking is the best.”
“I can’t wait to have one of her famous hot chocolates. I need one right now.” Darcy moaned.
“How is everything going?”
“Okay, I guess. Not a whole lot is happening. I started my first round of chemo yesterday.”
“And how does that feel?”
“Fine, I guess. I feel a little … strange, but the doctor said we take it one day at a time. We don’t rush these things.”
He noticed she seemed calmer today, not as volatile, which he was more than happy with. Grabbing the chair, he placed it closer to the bed, and took a seat.
“You like books?”
“Love them. They pass the time, and well, there’s nothing quite like a romance story.” She sighed. “Sorry, you must think I’m too girly.”
“Not at all. I think it’s nice how much you love to read.”
There was silence, and he watched as she glanced down at her books. She looked suddenly nervous, biting her lip, before finally looking up at him.
br /> “Can I ask you something?”
“Do you think I’m pretty?”
He went from being comfortable, to feeling like an asshole in a short span of time. Darcy had never made him feel this way before, and he didn’t want to upset her. “Darcy?”
She got off the bed, her hands behind her, thrusting her chest up. “I’m not trying to be a bitch or anything. I don’t even know why I’m asking this. Forget it.”
She looked so incredibly sad, and for a split second he thought about someone from his past. Someone he didn’t talk about to anyone.
“I think you’re pretty.”
“You do?”
“Yeah.” He wasn’t mean. Darcy was a pretty girl. There was nothing wrong with saying she was pretty. With everything she was going through, he didn’t want to add to it.
“Would you go out with me?” She took a step away from the hospital bed.
“You’re fifteen.” He stood up, not wanting her to have the advantage over him.
“I won’t always be fifteen. I mean, I could be one of the rare few that dies.”
“Don’t do this,” he said, seeing where she was going with this and not wanting to be part of it. “You’re underage, and you’re sweet, but I’m not going to go there.”
“Go where? We’re just talking, Ink?”
“You’re upset,” he said.
“Why? Because I got cancer? Is it so wrong for me to ask some questions?” she asked. “You know I like you.”
“Darcy, it’s a crush, and you’re going to get better.”
“People die every single day from cancer.” She stood right in front of him. “I could be dead without ever knowing what it’s like to really be alive.”
“My parents keep me so protected because of the club. No guy is ever going to ask me out. Dad would kill anyone who came close to me.”
“Your parents love and protect you.”
“What if you could give me my first kiss?”
“That’s not going to happen.” He caught her wrist before she could touch him. “I’ve got to go.”
“I’ve made you uncomfortable.”
“Darcy, you’re underage. You know for kissing you I could end up on a fucking registry, let alone what the club would do to me. I care about you. You’re a club kid, but that is all. I’ve got to go. Killer is taking over.”