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El Diablo (Killer of Kings Book 6) Page 11
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Page 11
Pushing herself across the floor a little more, she had to rest.
“Xavier.” She whimpered his name, hoping she’d be able to bring him with her begging of his name.
It didn’t work.
“Shit! What the fuck are you doing?” Boss was back, and she looked up. He’d put his coffee on a tray and bent down.
“Xavier!” She cried out the name of the man she loved. Maybe he was nearby and would hear her.
Boss was the last man she wanted, but he picked her up in his arms as if she weighed nothing.
“Women will be the fucking death of me. What the heck is with you? Xavier put my whole mission in danger by talking to you. Hate me all you want, sweetheart, but I’m not sure what to do with either of you at this point.”
“He didn’t want me involved. It’s my fault, not his.”
He placed her so gently down on the bed it startled her. She didn’t expect him to be so concerned for her.
“Get the nurse back here. She attempted to escape,” Boss said, growling into his cell phone.
He shook his head before stepping away from the bed.
The nurse didn’t take long. Apparently, Alesha had burst some of her stitches. She hated that Boss saw her in such a vulnerable position.
“You’re going to have to rest!” The nurse glared at her. “I’m so over your patients, Boss. They’re driving me crazy.”
“You’re paid well to do as you’re told. Fuck off,” Boss said.
“Does it hurt you to be nice to people?” Alesha asked.
“No. You’re nice to people and they fuck you over. Simple as.”
“So, you’re not nice to anyone?”
“I pay well for the jobs I want. What more do people need?” Boss asked. He pushed a cart with a tray forward and wheeled it over to her so that she could eat. “Eat.”
“Why can’t you let Xavier come here? I don’t understand.”
“I’m pissed at him, and right now I want to kill him. If he comes here, I’ll end up shooting him in the head.”
She picked up the spoon and looked at Boss. He took a sip of his coffee, and she couldn’t believe she was listening to him threaten the man she loved.
“Why didn’t you run?” Boss asked.
“I just tried.”
“No, when you learned the truth. You do know that there are many men and women out there that would pay a fortune for Xavier’s location? He was passed out. You could be on a private island by now, basking in your riches.”
She shrugged. “It didn’t even enter my head. Besides, Xavier paid me to take care of his home. By extension, his home was part of him, so I took care of him as well. I’m not a snitch. I’m loyal.”
“Yeah, at your own risk.”
“You know where his sister is?” she asked.
Boss stared at her. “Yes.”
“A good man would tell him where to find her.”
“Newsflash, princess, I’m not a good man.”
She rolled her eyes. “You’re sitting with me, a woman you don’t know, to ensure I’m being taken care of. I think there’s more to you than the asshole you try to show the world.”
“So now you think you understand your boss’s boss.”
She couldn’t help but smile. The nurse had put all the needles and monitor checks on her body that she’d taken off.
“This is so weird,” Alesha said.
Silence fell between them. She ate some soup, finding it a little watery.
“Xavier is not ready to know the information I have. When he is, I will make sure he knows what I know.”
She turned to Boss.
He stared at her hard.
She nodded.
He may not believe it, but Boss had a heart; he simply hid it well.
Chapter Eleven
Six weeks later
A knock on his door echoed in the early morning hours. Xavier pushed himself up in bed and checked the clock. It was two in the afternoon.
His head pounded. The late nights were getting to him.
He slipped on some shorts, grabbed a handgun from the top of his dresser, and went to answer the front door.
It was Viper, the last motherfucker he ever wanted to see. Maybe the second last.
“What do you want?”
“Boss wants to see you,” he said.
“And I’m supposed to care? I’m not a dog he can call when he wants something. Remember, he’s the one who cut me off, so I’m a free agent.”
“Works for me. I’ll tell him you refused.” Viper turned to leave.
“Wait.” Xavier swallowed his pride and took a cleansing breath. “Why does he want to see me?”
“Didn’t ask.”
“Is he letting me see Alesha?” It had been over a month since the day she’d been shot. He’d managed to get some information shortly after the incident, threatening one of the staff when they left for the night. Alesha’s injuries were superficial—flesh wound to her thigh and grazed by a bullet on her stomach. Knowing her life wasn’t in danger was the only thing keeping him grounded all this time.
“Like I said…”
“Fine. Give me a minute to get some clothes on.”
Viper came inside and closed the door behind him, wandering around the expansive foyer. “Nice place.”
“Yeah.” Nothing material mattered without Alesha. He was completely in love with her. Xavier pulled on some pants and grabbed a shirt from his closet. After getting himself together, he returned to the front. “Where you taking me?”
“You’ll be dealing with Boss. That’s all you need to know.”
Xavier adjusted his gun holster and slipped on his jacket. The other man watched him intently. “Why do you hate me so much?”
Viper’s jaw twitched. “You’re a loose cannon. You fucked up our last mission together. I know your history. If I can’t trust you, you’re not a friend, are you?”
“I was only trying to do the right thing. I’m not the man I used to be, or at least I was trying to change, to make a new life. You won’t have it. None of you will give me a chance.”
Viper shook his head. “Killer of Kings is our life. Not for you, though. You’re only here because you want information from Boss. That isn’t comforting to the men you’re supposed to be working with. You don’t get a second chance when it comes to life and death. It’s a one-way trip if you don’t have our backs.”
“It was more than just getting information long before my training was through. For the first fucking time in my life I felt like I belonged, that I’d found my place. I guess I was wrong.”
“Let’s go.”
He followed Viper out to his car and got in the passenger side. They hit the highway, and within minutes Viper's cell went off. After answering he handed it to Xavier.
“Still hotheaded?” asked Boss.
“Good. Time heals all wounds, eh?”
“What do you want? It’s been six weeks without a word.”
Xavier had been doing contracts as a free agent, trying to keep himself busy so he didn’t obsess over Alesha. It was only a matter of time before he had her back, and he knew it. He’d never give up until he had her back. Boss couldn’t hide her forever.
“You’re not the average man, are you? I felt you needed some extra time to cool off and think about your actions. Maybe what you want out of life.”
“I want Alesha. Nothing’s changed.”
“I thought you’d say that, which is why I have an offer for you.”
He didn’t like the sound of this. Offers from Boss hadn’t gone over so well for him. He still didn’t have his sister and he’d been with Killer of Kings nearly a year. “What is it?”
“I’m feeling generous today, so you have a choice. I release Alesha to you, but you continue to work for Killer of Kings.”
“I thought you were done with me. You threw me the fuck out.”
“You needed to cool off. Do you need more time for that?”
Xavier took a breath, calming his emotions. “No.”
“Good. So, I can release Alesha to you and you continue to work for—”
“Fine, I’ll do it,” said Xavier. “I’ll work for you. Follow all your orders.”
“I wasn’t finished,” said Boss. “You take that offer or you get the location of your sister.”
“What do you mean? You’re making me choose?” He was shouting, but he didn’t care at this point. “I was supposed to get information on Graciella after agreeing to work for you the first time.”
“I gave you some information.”
“An alias? A port of entry? What good did that do me?”
“I could have found her with that information. Make your choice, El Diablo. I don’t have all day.”
Since he was ten years old, he’d vowed to find the sister he was separated from. His entire life, she’d been in the back of his head. As an adult, he’d devoted countless resources into finding her. His sister had become an obsession.
Now he was being forced to make an impossible decision.
Boss was an evil bastard.
“Do you get a kick out of this shit? Does it give you a hard-on to tear me apart?”
“As far as I’m concerned, you should be kissing my ass for offering you anything. This is your get out of jail free card, so I’d shut the fuck up and take it before it’s gone.”
Xavier didn’t have to think about it. “I’ll take Alesha. Just make it happen.”
There was silence on the line.
“Where is she?”
“You’ll continue working for Killer of Kings?”
“We’ve already been over the details,” said Xavier. “You’ve kept her from me for nearly two months, and I don’t want to wait another day.”
“Put Viper on the line.”
He tossed the phone back to the driver and then ran both hands through his hair. He hadn’t tied it back today, too rushed to find out what Boss wanted from him. His mind wandered. Did Boss expect him to choose his sister? Was he disappointed he’d be working for him again? He wasn’t sure what game Boss was playing, but he wanted no part of it. That man was screwing with his life, everything important to him, and it didn’t make sense.
“We’ll be there in ten,” Viper told Xavier after putting the phone away.
Xavier watched the scenery flash by his passenger window, half in a daze.
“I thought you wanted to find your sister. That’s how Boss got to work for him in the beginning, isn’t it?”
He nodded.
“So why not take the information? You only hooked up with your housekeeper for a couple weeks. Doesn’t make sense to me.”
“I didn’t hook up with her,” he said. “How long did it take for you to know your woman was the one?”
Viper smirked, keeping his eyes on the road. “I was hired to kill her. Didn’t turn out as planned.”
“So how long?”
“Couple weeks, I guess. Maybe less.”
“Exactly my point,” said Xavier. “I’ve been searching for my sister my entire life. She’s family, the only piece of my past I want to hold on to. But I’ll sacrifice everything for Alesha. I just did. You should know how it is.”
Viper tapped the steering wheel with a finger. “I never pegged you as a man to give a shit. Didn’t think you had a loyal bone in your body.”
“Well, there you go. I was labeled the devil most of my life because I had no other choice. It was survival of the fittest.”
“Yeah, my childhood was pretty much what nightmares are made of. Seems to be a common thread with Boss’s men.”
Xavier shrugged. “If a guy grew up in the suburbs with a silver spoon in his mouth, he’d be white collar, not killing for a living.”
“Good point.”
The tension between them eased. It seemed choosing Alesha over garnering information had earned him points with Killer of Kings.
They pulled into the front drive of a posh hotel a while later. Boss likely owned it. He controlled half the damn city. Before Xavier could get out of the car, the revolving door revealed Alesha. She stood there in a navy-blue dress, her hair fluttering loosely in the slight breeze.
He exited the car, but stopped abruptly on the sidewalk, worried if she even wanted to see him. Maybe she hated him for involving her in his madness. Maybe Boss had brainwashed her.
They were both frozen in time, staring at each other. She was fucking gorgeous, the sun highlighting her baby blue eyes.
Her mouth opened, but no words came out, and then she ran. She rushed toward him. As soon as she thrust herself into his arms, he picked her arm, twirling her briefly. He held her tight, relief that she hadn’t rejected him filling him with calm. He had her back.
“Xavier.” She kissed him all over the face, dozens of individual kisses.
“Baby, I’m never letting you go.”
“I’ve missed you,” she said, leaning back to look at him.
He lowered her to her feet. “How you healing?”
“I’m fine. What I needed was you.”
“Boss kept me away. I wanted to be here, I swear to you.”
She ran her hands over his chest. “I know. Can we get away from here?”
He glanced over at Viper, and the hitman nodded. “Yeah, let’s get out of here.”
This was perfect, a new start at forever. But Xavier couldn’t shake the sinking feeling he was missing something crucial. Boss was complicated and twisted. Xavier didn’t like how easy this was, even if Boss continued to withhold information about his sister. All he knew was he couldn’t make any mistakes. Any more screw ups and next time Boss could keep Alesha from him forever.
They sat in the backseat of Viper’s car together. He ran his hand through her hair, still in shock he had her back. “Did they hurt you?”
She shook her head.
He pulled up the hem of her dress to see her thigh. The stitches were healing nicely. He trailed his fingers lightly over the scar. “I’m so sorry, Alesha.”
“It was my choice. You didn’t want to involve me, so don’t blame yourself,” she said. “Besides, the doctors said I’d be as good as new in no time. A bit of a limp, but I think it’s more habit at this point.”
“I messed up. You’re mine to protect.”
His guilt wouldn’t let him go. He expected she’d stay at home, not follow him into danger.
Xavier noticed they weren’t going in the direction of his house. He sat straighter, looking to both sides.
“What’s wrong?” she asked.
“Viper, you forget where I live already?”
“Just doing my job. Nothing personal.”
His hackles bristled. “Where we going?” He rested his hand on the handle of his Glock inside his jacket.
“Boss has an assignment for you. Both of you, actually.”
“No way. She just got out of the damn hospital. Has Boss lost his damn mind?”
“It was a hotel. One of the best. Not a hospital.” Viper tossed an envelope into the backseat. Xavier opened it and started shuffling through the contents.
“I’m not prepared for this,” he said.
Viper appeared unfazed. “If you work for Killer of Kings, you always have to be prepared. Since you’ve been on vacay, the rest of us have cleaned up most of the human smuggling operation. There are only three players left. Boss wants you to finish this personally.”
He did want to see them all fry. Eliminating the complete cell meant Alesha would be safer and off the radar. “It’s too dangerous for Alesha. I’ll handle this. Take her home.”
“Sorry, buddy. Boss was very explicit. Besides, it’s high-end private club. You’ll be fine,” said Viper. “Your memberships are in the envelope, along with the hits.”
“There are only two pictures. Who’s the third?”
“Boss will give Alesha the third player in thirty minutes. There’s a cell phone in the woman’s washroom
that she’ll need to grab. Boss’s insurance policy that you follow orders.”
He cursed under his breath, but kept his comments to himself. Boss wanted loyalty. He wanted to ensure Xavier would bend over backwards, regardless of Alesha. He’d play the role, but he wouldn’t put the mission above Alesha for anyone.
She squeezed his thigh, grounding him. He turned to look at her. “It’ll be okay, Xavier. I’m not afraid.”
He smiled. “Of course, you aren’t.” Xavier leaned over and brushed his lips over hers. Within seconds the kiss deepened, and he moved closer, needing more.
Viper cleared his throat.
“We’re here. Good luck. There’s a bag in the trunk for you.”
“Will you be waiting?”
Viper shifted in his seat after parking. “Chains is on standby. Give him a text when you’re through. I have to help Pepper set up for our kid’s birthday party tomorrow.”
It sounded crazy, mixing the life of a hitman with family commitments, but it’s exactly what Xavier hoped to achieve with Alesha. This was their own twisted version of reality at Killer of Kings.
He helped Alesha out of the car, grabbed the duffel bag from the trunk, and together they walked to the private club. He hoped this was the last test Boss subjected him to.
Absence did make her heart grow fonder. As soon as Alesha saw Xavier, everything in her world felt right. She’d felt like Rapunzel, locked in a tower, waiting for her knight to save her. Boss wouldn’t even let her call him. He was an enigma.
Alesha sensed a darkness within Boss. Something dangerous and inhuman. He was also intelligent, always one step ahead of everyone. A lethal combination. He’d told her he was keeping her away for Xavier’s benefit, for the whole of Killer of Kings. It didn’t make sense. He kept telling her a big day was coming. She thought he was talking about her reuniting with Xavier, but it was something bigger, and it scared her.
At first, she thought Boss hated Xavier, but she soon learned that he respected him, and saw him as a prize, some kind of trophy for his organization. He seemed to be collecting the worst of the worst to do his bidding. Only a monster could control such a group. He’d have to be worse.
“I don’t want you involved, Alesha. Stay by the door while I scope out the place,” said Xavier, holding her had as they neared the front doors.