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El Diablo (Killer of Kings Book 6) Page 12
El Diablo (Killer of Kings Book 6) Read online
Page 12
“You heard what Viper said. I have to get the phone from the woman’s bathroom. He’ll expect to hear from me. I won’t screw this up for us.”
He scowled, but opened the door for her to enter. She was expecting a golf and country club, but this place was way above her pay grade. It seemed to be a social club for all the old money of the city. She felt completely out of her element.
Xavier walked in like he owned the place.
He stood tall, scanning the room, looking for his targets. She felt safe next to him. She hoped she didn’t get shot today. Her recovery hadn’t been fun, but she’d always been good with pain.
An employee in a full suit approached them. Xavier didn’t even speak, just handed him the memberships.
“It’s wonderful to have you with us, Mr. and Mrs. Moreno. Please enjoy your stay.”
Once the man walked off, a woman took his place, holding a tray of champagne flutes. Xavier shook his head and she left.
“How does it feel to be called Mrs. Moreno?” he asked.
He had no idea. She’d give anything to belong to him. “It feels nice.”
They linked arms, and they walked around the club. There were a few couples, but mostly groups of men with lots of cash on tables, scantily clad women hanging off them. She quickly realized this wasn’t a place for the white-collar elite but the criminal underworld.
“I see one of them,” he whispered, not looking at her. She followed his gaze and recognized the man from that day at the docks. He’d been the one smoking a cigar on the sofa.
“He’ll recognize me,” she said. Her heartrate was already on the up climb and they’d only just shown up.
“Why don’t you visit the ladies’ room, darling,” he said aloud, pointing to the door down a narrow hallway.
She nodded, glad to get away to calm her nerves. The cell phone was supposed to be hiding, duct-taped under the counter. When she entered the bathroom, there were other women inside, so she pretended to use the toilet. Once the coast was clear, she slipped out of the stall and felt around under the sinks. It hurt to squat down, so she kept pawing around for the phone when it started ringing.
Her heart jumped, and she quickly retrieved it and put it to her ear. “Hello?” she whispered.
“You can speak normally, Alesha. People use the phone in the bathroom all the time.”
“I’m going to tell you two words. You’ll understand when the time comes. Don’t say anything until then,” said Boss.
“Until when? What’s going on here?”
“I like things to happen organically. With a little help, of course. People don’t learn unless they experience things firsthand. When my men think I’m out to destroy them, I’m just teaching a lesson or opening their eyes to something they couldn’t see on their own.”
“You’re not making any sense.”
“Widow Maker. Those are your words. Now go off and mingle. I hear you’re a good actress.” The line went dead.
When she exited the bathroom, the door of the men’s room across the hall slammed shut, making her jump. There was more banging, but she continued down the hall. She went in search of Xavier, not finding him where she left him. Within seconds, his arms snaked around her waist from behind. He kissed her neck, reminding her how capable of a lover he was. It had been two long months, and she just wanted to be alone with him. No more drama.
“Where were you?”
“Just using the restroom.”
She turned around in his arms. “The man we saw?”
“Taken care of. One down, two to go. Did you get the call you were waiting for?”
She nodded. Damn, he worked fast. His skills turned her on, her body already thrumming. He backed her up in a quiet corner, then lifted up the edge of her dress.
“What are you doing?”
He shut her up with a kiss—deep and passionate. She closed her eyes and absorbed his masculine scent. One hand squeezed her ass, while the other snaked under her dress and into the front of her panties. Before she could protest again, he’d impaled two fingers deep into her cunt. She gasped aloud, grabbing his shoulders to keep from collapsing.
A couple people walked down the hall behind them, but no one seemed to care what they were doing. Being so naughty out in the open was oddly titillating. Her clit throbbed, heat rushing out from her womb to her extremities.
Xavier finger-fucked her as he trailed kisses down her neck.
“Did you miss me, baby?”
“Oh God.” She panted, craving his cock. “Are you acting, Xavier?”
“Never with you.” He kissed her forehead and pulled away. “Tonight, I’ll show you something new.” He winked, and her heart did a flip. She’d wanted him to fuck her right there against the wall. That’s how much he pulled her from reality with each kiss.
They strolled around, pretending to mingle, her body still wired. A live band played in the adjoining room, a mix of violin, harp, and piano. A few couples danced nearby.
Xavier held her by his side as they enjoyed the music. It almost felt like a date—minus the dead guy in the bathroom and another kingpin on his radar.
Then Alesha saw her. Her heart stopped for a moment. She squeezed Xavier’s hand. It must be her, the third hit, the one Boss told her about on the phone.
“What’s wrong?” asked Xavier.
Her mouth felt like cotton, and it took her a while to get the words out. “It’s her,” she said. “Widow Maker.”
It was the beautiful woman from the yacht. The one who’d saved her from Dixon. It didn’t make any sense.
Xavier’s entire body tensed, and he looked to the woman on the dance floor in the red skirt. Then Alesha noticed the man she danced with was their second hit. They must be a couple.
Xavier took a step back, and when she checked his expression, there was something distressed in his gaze. He reminded her of a child, lost and confused. She touched his chest, desperate to heal him.
“You don’t have to do this right now,” she tried to comfort. “If it’s too much for you—”
“You don’t understand,” he said. “The Widow Maker is my sister.”
Chapter Twelve
The Widow Maker led the man off the dance floor. There’s no way Xavier was letting her out of his sight. Not now. Not after all this time. Keeping hold of Alesha’s hand, he moved through the throngs of people keeping her in his line of sight.
“I don’t think we should be following her.”
“I’m not letting her get away.” He kept a hand on his gun, Alesha at his back, and ready to take on anything.
He smiled as he passed people, always playing his part. In the time he’d been away, he’d learned there were rules to follow with Killer of Kings. Lives were always at risk, and he had to be ready to take on the entire fucking world if he could.
“This is not a good idea, Xavier.”
“I don’t give a fuck what it is. Boss did this on purpose. He gave me a choice. You or her. I’m not going to let him hurt her.” Knowing Boss, he had already signed her death certificate.
“Boss is not all bad, you know. He’s not going to hurt you just for the sake of hurting you.”
“You’re an expert now?” Xavier asked.
“Are you being a pain in the ass on purpose right now? Calm down, Xavier.”
He wasn’t going to calm down. That was his sister. She’d been a ghost for thirty years. He couldn’t just walk away.
They entered the far corridor. No one was around.
Suddenly, he heard a thud.
All of his senses went on high alert. He made Alesha hold his jacket as he made his way to the door, kicking it open, he held his gun and stared into the eyes of his sister.
For a split second he was transported back to the day she was pulled out of his arms. Her screams for help filling the air. The utter failure he experienced at knowing he didn’t fight hard enough. He’d only been a boy.
p; Only, the eyes he stared back were no longer filled with fear. She held a garrote. The man, one of his hits, had it wrapped around his neck and was choking to death. She didn’t even look as if she was fighting all that hard to take the life from him. Seconds passed, and Widow Maker smiled at him. Graciella Moreno.
“Hello, brother mine. Long time, no see.”
The man in her arms collapsed. She let him go.
He dropped to the floor dead.
She wrinkled her nose. “It has been a long time since I was called that name. I go by Widow Maker, if people live long enough to say it, Xavier.”
“I’ve been looking for you all over.”
“Not very hard. I’ve been around for a long time. Enough to see the mistakes you’re making.”
“What the hell happened to you?”
“A lot of things. Stuff I don’t talk about. We can’t talk here. This is a hot zone, and I want to live. I know Boss led you here and all, but this is my kill. He’s an interfering bastard. If he thinks for a second, I’m going to do what he wants, he’s got another think coming.” Before he could react, Graciella moved past him.
There was no way he couldn’t follow her.
“Don’t even think of getting rid of me,” Alesha said. “We’ve been apart too long. Besides, I’d really like to get to know your sister before she kills you.”
“She’s not going to kill me.”
“I hate to break it to you, Xavier, but she looked pissed off.”
Ignoring Alesha, he held her hand and followed Graciella out of the building. She’d killed the other hit smoothly without anyone even noticing. The body slumped in the corner looking as if he’d drunk too much.
His sister was an expert. No wonder Boss didn’t have a problem following after her. She’d fit right in at Killer of Kings.
“I’ll follow you to your home,” Graciella said.
“We can meet at a coffee shop.” He didn’t want her to go. This was the first time he’d seen his sister in ages. She was a woman now, strong, nothing like he remembered.
“Not safe. I’ve got to change, and right now, I need to blend. I’ll be at your home at five.” Graciella turned on her heel, about to go.
“Don’t,” he said. “Don’t go.”
Graciella sighed. “I don’t have time for all this neediness, Xavier. You see me. I’ve been alive a long time. Believe me, I know how to take care of myself. I don’t need my brother attempting to do that. I’ll meet you back at your place.”
He watched her go.
Alesha was still by his side.
The mission completed.
His world put right and once again in fucking turmoil.
“Come on, let’s get you home before Boss decides to change his fucking mind.” He wouldn’t put it past that son of a bitch to make him pay somehow.
She didn’t argue with him as he helped her in the car.
Neither of them spoke during the visit back to his home. Once inside, he locked all the doors, and his cell phone rang.
The caller didn’t have any details on his phone, but he answered it anyway. Alesha headed to the kitchen, and he followed behind her.
“Hello,” he said.
“Why do you sound so fucking miserable? I give you what you want and you’re still pissed?” Boss asked.
“You knew Graciella would be there.”
“Of course. I couldn’t exactly give you everything at once. I wanted to see how much you cared about your woman. The other men needed to see you had a loyal bone in your body. Ask Alesha if she’s missing me.”
“She’s not.”
“You didn’t ask her. I’m a pretty decent guy once you get to know me.”
“I have no intention of ever getting to know you. What the fuck do you want?” he asked.
Boss tsked. “I take it Widow Maker wasn’t accommodating.”
“You’ve known who she is all this time?”
“Of course. Nothing gets past me, and I already gave you all the info to find her. The simple truth, Xavier, is you were too scared to find her.”
“Fuck you.”
Alesha put her hands on his shoulders, offering him the comfort and support he needed. Right now, his mind was all over the place.
Boss laughed. “Let’s face it, Xavier. She doesn’t need you. She’ll never need you. Out of the two of you, she’s the deadlier assassin. I hope you enjoy what you’ve found out.” With that, Boss hung up.
Tossing the phone away, Xavier watched as it hit the wall shattering to pieces.
“Are you okay?”
“That was my sister, Alesha. I haven’t seen her in so long. She was innocent, a terrified little girl, and I failed her.”
“You didn’t fail me,” Graciella said, leaning around the corner of the door.
Xavier stood straight.
She had changed, her hair up in a long ponytail, sunglasses pushed up on her head. There was a smile to her lips. She wore a leather jacket, tight trousers, and a pristine white shirt.
She stepped into the room, taking a seat. “I could imagine you living in a place like this. It’s nice. Just what my brother would order.”
“You don’t know me.”
“But I do. I know all about Xavier and El Diablo. I’ve kept an eye on you over the years. You’ve had some really good hits.”
“What happened to you?”
Graciella smiled, but it didn’t reach her eyes. “What happens to most young girls who are taken? The worst possible thing. I was sold on the black market. Turns out a lot of men liked the prospect of fucking a child. So, you can use your imagination. The story goes on until I was tossed out on the streets in England. My body a bloody mess. My life ruined. My hopes gone. One man, he helped me. He wasn’t interested in my body, but he liked my fighting spirit. He told me that if I worked for him, everyone that had ever done me harm would face the consequences.” She held her hands up. “It was an offer I couldn’t resist. Of course, he had his own reasons for wanting me around. There were men he wanted me to kill. He couldn’t do it himself. He provided all the money I needed.” The smile on her lips died. “Of course, I should have known it wouldn’t end with him. He was one of the men who helped to sell boys and girls. I couldn’t let him live.”
“That’s not the full story,” Xavier said.
“Of course it’s not. You don’t get to have the full story. All you need to know is I lived a life of hell and came back from it. That’s what I do. I’ve got more kills under my belt than you have. I’m not the sweet little sister anymore. She died one night after being used. I can’t give you what you were looking for.”
“But you knew I was looking for you?”
“Of course.” Graciella reached out, taking his hand. “I know you were hoping to be the winner in this story. The hero. I don’t need a hero. I’m a fighter. I take care of all my own battles, and I hope one day, you can be … happy for me.”
He hated this. “I love you, Graciella. I’m so sorry that I failed you. None of that shit should ever have happened.”
The smile was back. “You haven’t failed me.” She looked at Alesha. “Take care of my brother. Make sure he’s loved and protected.”
“Wait, you can’t go,” Xavier said. This reunion was decades in the making. She’d been through more hell than he could have imagined, and he wanted to undo all the horrors.
“The world never sleeps for me. I’ve got to go, otherwise I’ll end up as one of Boss’s minions. That bastard will not stop when he wants something. I much prefer keeping one step ahead and taking the contracts from under his nose.”
“You could become part of Killer of Kings.”
Graciella grimaced. “I hate to say this, but they’re a little too tame for me. Besides, I work on my own. Nothing in this world is easy, and I don’t have time to get attached. We’ll talk again soon.”
watched her get to her feet. Heard her heels clicking on the floor, and he didn’t follow her. The Graciella he knew, she wasn’t there at the moment. He hoped she wasn’t gone forever. But El Diablo had managed to find peace, and so could she.
Alesha rested her head on his shoulder. “It’ll be okay. I promise,” she said.
“I’ve got you. I know I’ll be fine.”
She cupped his face and made him turn to look at her. “I’ve missed you so much.”
“Boss said you enjoyed his company.”
She rolled her eyes. “He thinks he’s a comedian. Believe me, he’s not even close to being funny. I just wanted to be with you. To stay here. To love you.” She stroked his cheek. “Please tell me we can be together now. No more secrets?”
“Well, you’ve met my family. That’s all I have to offer.”
“I think your sister likes me.”
“She’s gone, Alesha. She really is gone.” Her quick disappearance after just finding her hit him like a blow to the gut.
“She’ll come back.”
“How do you know that?”
Alesha held him tight against her chest, the soft cushions of her tits still so inviting.
“Because she cares enough to come and see you. If she really didn’t, she wouldn’t have been here.”
He pulled Alesha into his arms, pressing his face against her neck, breathing her in. This was home. She was his woman, and he loved her more than anything.
“I’m never letting you go.”
“Good, because I don’t want to go anywhere.”
Two months later
“Don’t drop me. Please don’t drop me,” Alesha said, giggling as Xavier held her a little bit tighter against his body.
After they’d had the tackiest wedding possible in Vegas, with Boss, several of the guys at Killer of Kings, as well as his sister present, he’d decided to piggyback her to their hotel. They’d made it into the elevator, and he refused to let her go.
She couldn’t stop laughing as he rested her against the wall of the elevator and his body. With her arms draped across his chest, she’d tightened her hold as the elevator doors slid open and she had no choice but to go with him as they walked toward their room.